क्या 2019-20 में ग्वार की खेती फायदेमंद रहेगी ?

अमेरिका व चीन के बीच जारी व्यापारिक तनाव के कारण कच्चे तेल की कीमते अन्तराष्ट्रीय बाज़ारों में तेज़ी से गिर रही है l अभी कच्चे तेल की कीमत 61 डॉलर प्रति बरेल से भी निचे आगई है l जो की पिछले चार महिने के निम्नतम स्तर पर है l गिरती हुयी कच्चे तेल की कीमतों ने अंतराष्ट्रीय बाज़ारों में दबाब बना रखा है l अमेरिका में कच्चे तेल की खुदाई की आयल रिग की संख्या में भी गिरावट दर्ज की गयी है l अमेरिक में अभी 984 आयल रिग सक्रिय है जो की पिछले वर्ष की गणना से 76 कम है l बारिश के बाद में कच्चे तेल कीमते ग्वार को प्रभावित करने वाला सबसे बड़ा कारक है l

साधारणतया जून-जुलाई का महीना ग्वार व ग्वार की बिजाई का समय होता है l इसा समय ग्वार की मांग बाज़ार में ज्यादा रहती है। इस समय किसान से ग्वार की आवक बाज़ार में नहीं होती है।ज्यादातर छोटे किसान अपना ग्वार का स्टॉक फ़रवरी-मार्च तक बेच चुके होते है। सिंचित क्षेत्र के किसान प्रमाणित बीज से बीजाई करते है l लेकिन बरानी क्षेत्र में किसान अपने घर का बीज ही काम में लेते है l प्राप्त जानकारी के अनुसार कपास व खरीफ की दूसरी दालों के अच्छे भाव मिलाने के कारन ग्वार की बीजाई पीछल्रे वर्ष से घटने की आशंका है l

ग्वार की नयी फसल अक्तूबर व नवम्बर महीने में आएगी। व्यापारी या खरीददार अभी ग्वार व ग्वार गम के स्टॉक लेने की बजाय नयी फसल के आगमन पर ग्वार या ग्वार गम खरीदने की योजना बनायेंगे। कमजोर व मानसून में देरी के सिवाय कोई भी दूसरा फंडामेंटल कारक अभी ऐसा नहीं है जो ग्वार व ग्वार गम की कीमतों को सहारा दे सके l बाज़ार के जानकारों के अनुसार ग्वार निचे के स्तर 4000 रूपए प्रति क्विटल को नहीं तोड़ेगा l ग्वार अभी 4100 रूपए प्रति क्विटल के आस पास चल रहा है l

इस वर्ष ग्वार व ग्वार गम की कीमतों ने किसानो को कोई ज्यादा मुनाफा नहीं दिया है l पुरे वर्ष के दौरान ग्वार की कीमते 4100-4800 के बीच में घटती बढती रही। ग्वार गम पाउडर की निर्यात की मांग नहीं होने के कारन ग्वार गम के भावों में इस वर्ष तेज़ी देखने को नहीं मिली। ग्वार की कीमतों को मुख्य सहारा इस वर्ष ग्वार चुरी कोरमा की कीमतों से मिला है l ग्वार चुरी निर्यात होने वाला एक महत्वपूर्ण ग्वार उत्पाद के रूप में उभरा है l विदेशों में पशु आहार प्रोटीन की बढती मांग के कारण के ग्वार चुरी व ग्वार कोरमा के निर्यात में बढ़ोतरी हुयी है l ग्वार गम के पाउडर के निर्यात में कमी दर्ज की गयी है हालाँकि अभी पिछले वर्ष के फाइनल आंकड़े नहीं आये है l 

किसान भाई ग्वार की फसल को प्राथमिक फसल के रूप में बिजाई न करे l ग्वार की फसल को दूसरी वरीयता दे l बाज़ार में जीतनी ज्यादा आवक ग्वार की रहेगी किसान को उतना ही नुकसान है l कृषि गोदामों में रखा माल ग्वार के भाव को चढने ही नहीं देगा l मजबूरन किसानों को विदेशी कंपनी से निर्धारित दाम पर माल बेचन पड़ेगा l जो ग्वार गम पाउडर हम भारत से 100 रुपये किलो पर बहार भेजते है l वो ही ग्वार गम भारत में 1000 रूपए प्रति किलो के भाव पर वापस आ रहा है l

अभी तक की परिस्थिति के अनुसार किसान ग्वार के भाव को 5000 रूपए प्रति क्विटल से ऊपर ले कर नहीं चले l जन्हा तक मानसून के आगमन का सवाल है l अभी तक मानसून के सामान्य रहने की उम्मीद है । केरल में मानसून का आगमन हो चूका है। सामान्य मानसून की स्थिति में ग्वार उत्पादन क्षेत्र में खरीफ की दूसरी दलहन फसलों की बिजाई ग्वार से ज्यादा होगी l हरियाणा में हरियाणा सरकार मक्का की खेती पर किसानों को आर्थिक सहायत दे रही है । राजस्थान में भी किसान बाजार मूंग मोठ पर ज्यादा ध्यान दे रहे है, इस वर्ष किसानों को बाजरे के अच्छे दाम मिल रहे है l 

ग्वार व ग्वार गम पर ज्यादा जानकारी के YOUTUBE के चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करे, ताकि ग्वार पर ताज़ा अपडेट के नए YOUTUBE विडियो आपको समय पर मिलते रहे l

Guargum, seed price surge: FMC set to impose Rs 100-cr penalty on cartel

The Forward Markets Commission (FMC) is set to impose a penalty of Rs 100 crore on a cartel which has been found to be behind the surge in guarseed and guargum prices on futures exchanges to record high last year. Guargum prices had soared to over Rs 1 lakh a quintal and guarseed to over Rs 30,000 in March last year, forcing the commission, which regulates commodities markets in the country, to suspend futures in both.

An official of the FMC said that the Government will be taking action based on a report submitted to the Consumer Affairs Ministry in October last year, on the unusual price movement.

The report had found fault with at least 45 traders.

Responding to question on the report, the official, who did not wish to be identified, said: “The Government is taking action on the report. Notices have been issued and soon, Rs 100 crore penalty will be imposed on the cartel found to be behind this.” The official, however, refused to provide details of the cartel. In May last year, the FMC penalised nine commodity brokerages, including Angel Commodities, Kotak Commodities, Reliance Commodities and Karvy Comtrade, for violating rules in collecting margin money from traders punting on guar gum futures.  Guar or cluster beans, a leguminous crop, is primarily grown in Rajasthan, besides Haryana, Punjab, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. Rajasthan accounts for over 70 per cent of the total crop in the country. 

Guargum, seed price surge: FMC set to impose Rs 100-cr penalty on cartel, guar, guar gum, ग्वार, ग्वार गम, ग्वार भाव , guar price, guar gum bhav, BSE guar, NCDEX Guar price , Guar gum price, guar gum demand , guar gum prices 2024, guar gum export demand 2024

Guarseed is a raw material for producing guar gum.

Guar gum is used as a thickening agent and additive in food products such as instant soups, sauces, processed meat products, baked goods, milk and cheese products, yoghurt and ice-creams. It has industrial applications in the paper and textile sectors, ore flotation, explosives manufacture and fracturing of oil and gas formations.
Currently, guar gum is in demand for fracking of shale gas, particularly in the US that accounts for 25 per cent of the world trade. Guarseed and guar gum prices had run to record high early last year despite the FMC imposing additional margins; investors had to payat least Rs 15 lakh to take positions in guar gum.
Then, investors had justified the surge, pointing out to Government data on exports of guar gum. Initially, the data showed 70 per cent increase in guar gum exports in the first half of 2011-12 fiscal. The data wererevised later by the Government since the industry pointed out that the crop figures and export data of guar gum didn’t match. Meanwhile, prices of guarseed and guar gum which began to rise early this month on reports of dryness in the growing areas have dropped by 25 per cent on Tuesday. This follows the FMC directive to the futures exchanges to scrutinise the sudden spurtfrom August 12.

On Sunday, the FMC Chairman Ramesh Abhishek said on the sidelines of a meet in Mumbai that prices of guarseed and guar gum futures, which resumed in May this year, have begun to drop after he asked the futures exchanges to probe the accounts of their top 25 clients.

“We sought details on hedgers, buyers and sellers in guar (seed and gum) within 15 days. A big cartel seems to be funding the rise through some participants. We have asked exchanges to try and find out the source of funds from these participants. The exchange will penalise the members found guilty,” the chairman said.
Guarseed and guargum futures resumed from May 14, following the commission’s go-ahead.

Guarseed contracts, which are to be delivered in October, opened at Rs 7,730 a quintal on May 14 and dropped to Rs 4,040 on August 12 on speculation that guar production could be a record this year on bountiful monsoon rains. Guar gum contracts for the same month during the same time, dropped to Rs 11,430 a quintal from Rs 24,500.

On September 12, guarseed prices rose to Rs 7,963 and guar gum to Rs 22,380 after which the commission sought details. On Tuesday ( 24/9/2013), guaraseed contracts dropped to Rs 5,990 a quintal and guargum contracts to Rs 16,900.

As on following Link

Guar Gum : Number One Exportable Commodity from India for a second year

Director General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics  ( DGCIS) as released the data of exported commodities from India for the year 2012-2013.

Guar Gum : Number One Exportable Commodity from India for a second year

Guar gum has emerged as largest commodity from India in foreign exchange earning. India has earned foreign Exchange of INR 21,287 Cr only from export of Guar Gum. which is around 25 % more than the last year ( 2011-2012). Last year Indian earned INR 16,523 Cr. This is the second  year that Guar has standing on the Number one position.

The current share of Guar gum in total agricultural export is around 18 percent, which was just 7 percent in year 2010-11. The share of Basmati rice has decreased from 26 % to 16 % only.

There is also another good news for Guar business stake holder, farmers, stockist , manufacturer and exporters that the rate of guar seed and guar is improving slowly and slowly sine 5-6 days due to rise in demand.

Guar is moving toward the stability in the rates. Even at low rate there are the tight supply from the market.

Guar Gum will come under Commodity Transaction Tax....

Indian Govt has issued a circular that the transaction of Guar gum in commodity market will come under commodity translation tax. There will liability of seller to pay Commodity Transaction Tax at the rate of 0.01%. 

Govt has issued a notice that the non farming commodities ( processed) will come under commodity transaction tax from 1st July 2013. This circular will also includes the processed farming items like sugar and Guar gum, soya meal, mentha oil

Guar Gum will come under Commodity Transaction Tax....

Even the provision of this tax were made in the budget 2013 but no circular was issued. As per teh current circular the pure farming activities will be exempted from the Commodity transaction tax. 

Finance Minister spoke in the budget speech that Commodity Transaction Tax of commodity market is equal to Security Transaction Tax of capital market.

There are 22 Commodity market in India but only 6 market operate on National Level . The combined transaction of these market was Rs 170,46,840 Crore . There is 80 % share of the non -agricultural commodities  in this combined turn over.

Guar seed is the farming commodity so it will be exempted from this  Commodity Transaction Tax.

Guar ( Guar Gum ) Cultivation area is expected to increase

The major growing season of Guar cultivation is coming near.  The farmers of Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab and Gujarat are planning to go for guar cultivation as much as possible.  It was a time when the farmers of irrigates area used to discuss about the farm input of cash crop like cotton, paddy, groundnut. Now the scenario has completely changed. the Farm input stores are full with Guar seeds and Insecticide and pesticide of Guar Crop.

Earlier the cost of cultivation for guar crop was very low because farmer used to do farming with local seeds without any chemical pest control.  The good stable rate of gaur seeds has changed the whole scenario. Farmers are planning to take guar as first crop. After looking the complete picture it is expected that the area under guar cultivation will increase 15-20 % in irrigated Guar growing belt of Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab and Gujarat. In the rainfed area Guar will also replace the other legume and cereal crops.

Guar ( Guar Gum ) Cultivation area  is expected to increase

There is also some mixed news from the other states like Maharashtra, M.P. Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu and Karnatka. It is expected that area under Guar cultivation will also increase in these states. Overall the total area under Guar cultivation will increase from 20-30 percent.

The meteorological predication of good monsoon will help farmer to take decision about the Guar Crop. The good Monsoon will lead to timely sowing of Gaur crop and good return to the farmers.

Even there was high rate of Guar seed during the last year but there was no any major impact on the export demand of Guar Gum powder from India. The Export of guar gum is almost same as  export in quantity.

There was complete control of the stocking activity due to high rate as it was more risky to stock guar seeds at high rate.

This year there is stock of guar seed but not with the stockist, it is with the farmers. Farmers are sowing the tight supply of Guar seeds. That is leading to stable rate of Guar seed.

The Guar has changed the principle and law of Economics.  At the higher rate there must be loos supply and flood of commodity in market but it is sowing tight supply. The same thing was happened  in Ireland during world war, the consumption of Potato was increased at the increasing rate of Potato.

But it is big question that will the scenario of Guar will be stable in coming Year. The farmers are expecting the same and sowing the guar in this expectation  but the study is showing the different picture.

The farmers were stoking the guar seed and expecting the hike in Guar seed rate after re-launching of the forward trading of guar seed and guar gum, but there is no any good news from forward market for increase of rate. It is clear that there is existing good stock of Guar seed with farmers

The area under guar cultivation will increase and that will lead to the increase in production. This produce will also flood in the market.

The good arrival of monsoon will also increase the production in the existing guar growing belts.

Whatever the price will be in the next year, it will be actual demand supply - ratio price without any artificial infecting factor and the rate will stable. The stable rate t will lead to the positive environment for the Guar business in world.

Guar Gum Seed Cultivation Consultancy

We provide consultancy for the guar (guar gum) cultivation. Guar is a major crop of north western India; India produce maximum guar of the world, Pakistan stands second for the same. The guar seed is final farm produce of the guar crop. It is further processed in the Guar gum, which is used as gum powder in many industries like Oil extraction industry, food processing industry, food preservation industry, printing industry, textile industry, paper industry and other industries. The by-product of the guar gum industry is used in cattle feed industry.

Guar Gum Seed Cultivation Consultancy, guar, guar gum, ग्वार, ग्वार गम, ग्वार भाव , guar price, guar gum bhav, BSE guar, NCDEX Guar price , Guar gum price, guar gum demand , guar gum prices 2024, guar gum export demand 2024

Guar Gum Seed Plant
Though the Guar is a cash crop, if we consider the other importance of the crop, Guar can be called as complete agriculture crop. It is low investment crop, the cost of cultivation of the crop is very low, so the risk is also low, it is used as vegetable in green pod form, which is highly nutritive. It is used as green manure as a nutrient supplement for the other crops. The guar crop plant parts are used as fodder that is good for the digestive system. The guar seed are used as cattle feed for the milking cattle.

Guar Gum Seed cultivation field Preparation

Our expert will assist you in selection of the cropping time, land preparation, seed supply, weeds management, insect and pest management, water management, threshing, storage, trading and marketing and the processing of the guar seed into the guar Gum.

Guar gum seed crop field 

We are leading Agro Technology and Agribusiness consultancy provider. We strongly believe in business ethics. We have highly professional team of subject matter specialist of agriculture and allied disciplines. We believe in truly consultancy with independent and profitable solutions. For us agriculture is the base of development, height of development, strength of development, depth of development. For a long term sustainable social & economical development agriculture must be the axel. Agriculture development must environment friendly, sustainable, efficient use of available resources and non hazardous.

Guar gum seed crop in field

We provide Agro technology and Agribusiness consultancy through better utilization of your resources, value of your money, independent consultancy, cost effective, profitable solutions and complete satisfaction without any deviation.

Guar Gum Emerged as major water treatment chemical.

Guar Gum powder has emerged as major water treatment chemical. The water pollution is increasing  day day by day.  The treatment of urban waste water has emerged major problem for the urban localities. Many govt has made the provision to treat the water before discharge it into the water bodies.

The fresh water sources are declining day by day. Polluted water create a lot of problems and disease  when it is consumed.  Guar gum is safe and natural ingredient which is environment friendly. regulatory bodies are putting pressure. Teh demand of guar gum will be boost throughout the world for water treatment application.

Guar Gum Emerged as major water treatment chemical., guar, guar gum, ग्वार, ग्वार गम, ग्वार भाव , guar price, guar gum bhav, BSE guar, NCDEX Guar price , Guar gum price, guar gum demand , guar gum prices 2024, guar gum export demand 2024

Guar seed ( guar gum ) Gum Cultivation in Summer crop

This is best time for the summer crop who want to cultivate guar crop. The climatic condition are suitable for guar cultivation . It is noticed that summer crop gives good production as comparison to the rainy crop/ monsoon crop. Guar is a 90-100 days crop so one can expect the harvest of this summer crop in may- june. The only constraint with this crop is water, if there is sufficient amount of water then one can go for guar cultivation. Guar doesn't require too much water but it will require two- three irrigation in peak summer period. There attack of disease and pest are less in summer period. Growers can get good rates in May-June  in comparison to October - November. During  period of May-June there is congested supply in market.

Guar seed ( guar gum ) Gum Cultivation in Summer crop, guar, guar gum, ग्वार, ग्वार गम, ग्वार भाव , guar price, guar gum bhav, BSE guar, NCDEX Guar price , Guar gum price, guar gum demand , guar gum prices 2024, guar gum export demand 2024

Guar Gum Processing Consultancy

Guar is emerging as an important crop. Guar seeds are processed into the Guar gum. The guar gum is further used in many industries. As it is a natural product with gel making property with water in different conditions. The demand of guar gum is increasing day-day in natural gas extraction.

Guar Gum Processing Consultancy, guar, guar gum, ग्वार, ग्वार गम, ग्वार भाव , guar price, guar gum bhav, BSE guar, NCDEX Guar price , Guar gum price, guar gum demand , guar gum prices 2024, guar gum export demand 2024

Our expert will assist you in studying the process of Guar Gum processing. The basic requirements to run the guar gum manufacturing process like quality of the guar seed for processing, land selection, storage and warehouses, labour, skilled manpower, electricity requirement , capacity of the plant. Normally there are two plants semi automatic and automatic one. The automatic plants are more efficient and these require less labour.

There are different capacities guar gum plant as per the demand and availability of the Guar Seeds as Raw Material. In the guar seed, guar gum is only part which is having the industrial demand and commercial use. Normally there is 25 to 30 % recovery of the guar gum from the Guar seed.

We are leading Agro Technology and Agribusiness consultancy provider. We strongly believe in business ethics. We have highly professional team of subject matter specialist of agriculture and allied disciplines. We believe in truly consultancy with independent and profitable solutions. For us agriculture is the base of development, height of development, strength of development, depth of development. For a long term sustainable social & economical development agriculture must be the axel. Agriculture development must environment friendly, sustainable, efficient use of available resources and non hazardous.

We provide Agro technology and Agribusiness consultancy through better utilization of your resources, value of your money, independent consultancy, cost effective, profitable solutions and complete satisfaction without any deviation.

Guar Gum Export from India is increasing

The volume of guar gum export is increasing after prices were stabilized during this year. Guar gum and buffalo meat has emerged leading exportable agriculture produce from India. Rates are going up slowly during this months . There is improvement of INR 1000-1500 in guar gum rates in local market. There are two main reason.  First reason :-Demand and supply equation is stabilizing slowly and slowly. Second reason :- There is improvement in Rupees rate in comparison to USD. Though there are no any major chances of further improvement in guar gum rates but the equation of demand and supply and USD / INR rate will effect guar gum price. We can say that currently guar is out speculators . There is volatility but not too much. Hoping that summer crop will be sown in some parts of India in April and that production will come in market in June.  In June Mansoon/ Kharif crop of Guar will sown in major guar growing belt. Climatic condition of June- July will decide further change in rates of Guar. Currently there is enough stock of guar seed in market there is no need to be panic about supply.

Guar Gum Export from India is increasing, guar, guar gum, ग्वार, ग्वार गम, ग्वार भाव , guar price, guar gum bhav, BSE guar, NCDEX Guar price , Guar gum price, guar gum demand , guar gum prices 2024, guar gum export demand 2024

Guar Seed ( Gaur Gum ) arrival increased in the market.

After the re listing of Gaur seed and Guar Gum in the forward market, there is regular downfall in the rate of both commodities.  Farmer and traders are not looking the rise in the price. The farmer were holding and arrival was  very poor in the market on the exception of rise in the price after re listing of guar seed and guar gum in the forward market. 

Now the arrival of Guar seed is increasing slowly and slowly in the market from farmers. Due to this arrival the rate is sharply going down. There is 16 % down fall in the price of guar seed and guar gum after re listing of guar seed and gum in forward market.   On May 14 the rate of Guar seed was around INR 9,700/-/ 100 Kg  It has come down up to INR 8000/- / 100 Kg up to yesterday.

Is this loos for industry or it is good for industry.  The rate are moving toward the stabilization. This is very good for teh whole industry. A stable market will attract more investment. In long term the industry will get benefit form the stable rates of   guar seeds.

Guar Seed ( Gaur Gum ) arrival increased in the market.

The farmers and growers need nto worry about this downfall in the rate. The activity was suppose to be happen  from October to January. But due to tight supply of guar seed from the farmer to market did not let it happen. 

This is a regular circle activity of the guar business, after the production rates comes down for 3-4 months. Because farmers are having the stock now they require the money and they are converting commodity into cash, hop that this will continue up to 5-6 months.

Now the farmers need money for sowing of the Kharif Crop. 

This is also the marriage season North India which will continue up to July -August. In the next month, the school and college will start from farmers will need money for the admission of the young generation. There will be more pressure of arrival  of commodity in the market. After 4-5 month the New crop of Guar will come and that will saturate the market. Side by side some production will arrive from the  summer crop and some new area of Guar cultivation like Guajarat, Andhrapradesh, Tamilnadu and Maharashtra.

Right now the arrival of Guar ( Guar Gum) Seed  has increased up to 60,000- 65,000 bags / day in last 2-3 weeks. in the physical Mandi ( Grain Market ). It is expected that this year the area of Guar cultivation will increase 20-25 % than the last year and there will be 6-7 million bags more production than last year.

Now the Importers are ignoring the long term contract they are preferring the short term contract as per their demand.  Due to this activity there is no sudden increase in the demand but in the volumatric terms the demand in stable and regular. In financial term this year ( 12-13) India has earned more foreign currency from Guar Gum export in-comparison to last year ( 11-12). It is expected that this year demand will increase in comparison to last year. This demand is very less in comparison to the arrival of commodity into the market.

This activity of arrival of commodity to the market will continue for next 7-8 Month. The normal and good monsoon will continue to pressurize the rate of guar rate toward downside. This is process of adjustment of equation between supply and demand. The rate of Guar will stabilize in this process. This is good for Industry.

Guar seed ( Guar Gum ) cultivation, Current Crop and Climatic Situation

I am regularly monitoring the guar crop cultivation in India. Some people also say it as guar gum cultivation. The start of rainfall was bit late but after the arrival it is on regular track. The passing Indian month “SRAWAN" locally it is known as "SAWAN", was full with rainfall, especially in the guar cultivation area. This year the cultivation area of Guar has increased up to 60 % of last year. The rainfall is also very good. The farmers are expecting very good crop. The traders are expecting in sudden increase of the supply of the Guar Seed in grain market after arrival of fresh crop.

Guar gum export, Cyamopsis tetragonoloba, future guar seed price, Guar, Guar Churi, Guar Gum, Guar Gum cultivation, Guar Gum Export- 2024, guar gum future price, guar gum future report, latest guar gum news, guar seed guar gum cultivation in India, ग्वार फसल, Guar seed ( Guar Gum ) cultivation, Current Crop and Climatic Situation
Guar Gum Cultivation In India - Guar Farm 

But the farmers are worried about the rate of guar seed. When the cultivation was started the rate was around 9,000 to 10,000/ Qt, which was stabilized between 8,000 to 13,000 / 100 kg during last year. Now the rates of guar seeds are swinging between 4,000 to 6,000 / 100 Kg.

Healthy Guar crop
Unfortunately farmers are holding the big amount of the guar seed of last 1-2 years production in context to improvement of rates up the last peak of 30,000/100 kg. This stock can move to market at any time. If the current trend of good climates remains continue in this current growing period. There is no any expectation of price fluctuation up to 2-3 years. It is expected that the guar seed rate will vary in between 2500-3500 / 100 kg in coming 2-3 years after that the rate will be stable at level where the demand and supply will match.

If we analyse a small trend then we find that the farmers of irrigated area don’t prefer the guar crop over cotton or other crops , when the rates remains below 5000/ 100 kg. So it is expected that the farmer of irrigated area will not go for guar cultivation in coming years, in that case the supply will be under pressure. The production of guar seed will come down and the guar seed rates may stable between 4000-6000/ 100 kg in coming years but only in the condition that if there is no major production from irrigated area.

Flowering in Guar Plant- Guar Gum Cultivation
I have personally visited the guar growing belt in this weak. There is no any negative impact on the guar crop. The sowing has been completed and the plat growth is very good. The flowering has started in crop and the pod formation has also initiated. There is now nay attack of disease and any specific pest.  Some minor attack of termite is also visible, which also vary from farm to farm. The rainfall will control the termite attack.
The rainfall will lead to vegetative growth. The extra vegetative growth will harmful in context to pod formation and seed formation. It is expected that the rains will continue in coming Indian month BHADRAPAD or BHADWA.  

The problem of weed will arise due to this rainfall. But the problem will affect only the late shown crop or field of small guar plant. The field where the guar has covered the farm will be not affected by the weed problem.

Pod Formation in Guar Crop -  Guar Gum Cultivation

The current climatic condition of high moisture, low temperature and low intensity of light will create a perfect condition of growth of pathogen in farm. The current condition is favorable for the disease outbreak and insect attack. 

As per current rainfall is concerned there will be no water requirement for the crop in this cropping season, so there are no chances of crop failure in this season due to the water.

The excessive rainfall can be harmful in the water logging area or the area of heavy soil.  Normally gaur is grown in sandy soil so there are no chances of loos due to the heavy rainfall, but water logging condition can lead to the root decay. The biologically activity of the farm will also stops due the excess water. The crop will also show the deficiency of Nitrogen and Phosphorus.

Guar Plant - Healthy- Guar Gum Cultivation

Over all this is good for the guar business in long term especially for the farmers of western Rajasthan. The credibility of the crop, growing area and farmers will be remaining positive in the mind of end user. The end user will not think about the substitute of product. The heavy speculation and fluctuation leads to insecurity among the stack holder of complete channel from seed producer to end user.

Guar Gum Cultivation In India and Its future

Rates of Gaur Seed and Guar gum are going down day by day. Even it was started to decrease from a peak of  INR 32,000/ 100 Kg in last year, but the current concern is that the rates were stable in between INR 9000-12000/ 100 Kg . After the listing no major increase in the rate was seen. It started to going down  and reached up to a level of 6000 / 100 Kg. Since last two day I am looking a very small improvement in the rate of Guar seed and Guar Gum.

If we analyse the current condition of Guar seed it is as follows.

  • This time the monsoon is on time with a prediction of good rainfall. 
  • The farmers are having huge stocks, 
  • New crop is suppose to arrive after four- five month
  • There is no any improvement in the forward ( future rates)  trading.
  • Manufacturers are not getting long term contracts from the buyers 
  • There is also arrival of the guar seed of summer crop from some other states.

Guar Gum Cultivation In India and Its future

 Now the question is how long this downfall will continue.  Following factors will decide the rate of guar seed in future.
  • Exploration of New Oil and Natural Gas Fields.
  • Increase in the rate of the Crude oil.
  • Stability in the middle east. 
  • New area under Guar crop cultivation.
  • Actual rainfall during the Kharif season
  • Successful crop cycle of Guar crop with out any heavy damage.
As guar seed is grown in a particular type of Agro and Climatic belt of India and Pakistan, so there are more chances or risk of failure or success of the crop.

Even the Oil and natural Gas industry looking the stability in the rates of Guar Seed. The stability in the rates of guar seeds will help the entire Industry and all the stake holders.

This is year there is expectation of  increase of guar cultivation area in the normal rainfall condition and stable rates in last 7-8 month except the last one month. The state Govts are also promoting the cultivation of Guar. 

Guar Gum and its links with Hydraulic fracturing ( fracking)

A low profile guar crop suddenly highlighted in the market just because  of its up roaring  prices. The guar gum which was used to sold at USD 2 per kag rise up a a level of USD 20 per Kg... just 10  times. The guar crop highlighted itself in the commodity market.

This year again APEDA has issued eye catchy data, that export of guar gum last year was around 21,000 crore INR. Which was highest among all the commodities. It emerged as a largest exportable commodity.

This year the rates are going down it has reached down to a level of INR 12,000/ 100 kg.


The less known crop produce is used to process the guar gum. Guar gum is further used into the oil and natural gas fracking industry. It work as a gel forming agent which prevent the water loss during the drilling and subsequent process.

The oil and natural gas service provider company regularly require the guar gum powder, but due to heavy fluctuation and speculation in price these companies are avoiding them self to give bulk order. It is clear that they require this produce regularly.

The gum powder is also used in other industries specially in  the food industry, printing industry, textile industry.

Guar gum export, Cyamopsis tetragonoloba, future guar seed price, Guar, Guar Churi, Guar Gum, Guar Gum cultivation, Guar Gum Export- 2024, guar gum future price, guar gum future report, latest guar gum news, guar seed guar gum cultivation in India, ग्वार फसल, Guar Gum and its links with Hydraulic fracturing ( fracking)

Due the fluctuation in the price the regular supply chain has been disturbed . the companies are looking for a sustainable sand consistent supply chain model.

but due to heavy speculation in the market it is not possible at this time.

Guar global is trying to develop a innovative model for the consistent supply chain , We hope that all the stake holders related to guar business will get benefit from this.

MCX launches futures trading in guar seed and guar gum

MCX launches futures trading in guar seed and guar gum

The trading unit of the guar seed and guar gum is 1 metric tonne each and price quote for the contracts is ex-warehouse Jodhpur, inclusive of sales tax/VAT. The basic delivery centre for both the contracts is Jodhpur and additional delivery centres include Bikaner, Nokha, Sri Ganganagar, Hanumangarh and Barmer in Rajasthan, Deesa in Gujarat, and Adampur and Sirsa in Haryana

Multi Commodity Exchange of India (MCX) will commence futures trading in guar seed and guar gum contracts from today (14 May 2013). The commodity markets regulator, Forward Markets Commission (FMC), has given approval for trading in guar seed and guar gum June 2013, July 2013, October 2013 and November 2013 contracts in order to facilitate price discovery and price risk management in the guar complex.

The trading unit of the guar seed and guar gum is 1 MT (metric tonne) each and price quote for the contracts is ex-warehouse Jodhpur, inclusive of sales tax/VAT. These are compulsory delivery contracts with Staggered Delivery Tender Period for the last 15 days. The physical delivery would be available in multiples of 1 MT for both guar seed and guar gum. The basic delivery centre for both the contracts is Jodhpur and additional delivery centres include Bikaner, Nokha, Sri Ganganagar, Hanumangarh and Barmer in Rajasthan, Deesa in Gujarat, and Adampur and Sirsa in Haryana.

Tick size for both guar seed and guar gum contracts is Re1 per 100 kg. The initial margin required to trade is 10% or based on SPAN, whichever is higher. As an additional risk management measure, pre-defined special margins are included in the contract. The special margin of 10%, which is over and above the initial margin, will be imposed if prices rise by more than 20%. Further, for every 10% rise in prices, the special margin charged will also increase by 10%. Additionally, if prices increase by more than 50% in the June and July expiry contracts, a special margin of 70% will be imposed. 

The guar seed and guar gum open position limits for a member collectively for all clients is 12,000 MT or 15% of the market wide open position, whichever is higher, and for individual clients it is 2,400 MT. The near month limits shall be applicable for 20 days prior to expiry of the contract. The near month limit for a member collectively for all clients is 4,000 MT or 15% of the market wide open position, whichever is higher and for individual clients it is 800 MT. The position limits shall be applicable for all contracts traded on all exchanges.

The guar gum open position limits for a member collectively for all clients is 3,000 MT or 15% of the market wide open position, whichever is higher, and for individual clients it is 1,000 MT. The near month limits shall be applicable for 20 days prior to expiry of the contract. The near month limit for a member collectively for all clients is 600 MT or 15% of the market wide open position, whichever is higher, and for individual clients it is 200 MT. The position limits shall be applicable for all contracts traded on all exchanges.

with courtesy www,

The future of Guar Seed and Guar Gum in context to domestic and internatational scenario.

Now a days I am receiving a lot of queries on the future of guar seed and guar gum industries. since last 4-5 months the rates  are stable.  There is no more fluctuation in the guar seed and gum rates. 

As per my analysis the current rate level will continue up to next harvest of the next crop ( OCT-NOV-14) . There is no any major reason behind for sharp increase in  rates in future. The crises of the middle east countries will lead to instability in the international market. This situation will prevent any major investment in the fracking industry. 

The situation of middle east countries  is going to normalize, but it will take time in complete peace The counter strikes may continue up to next 4-5 years like IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN. The  issue of IRAN is solving slowly and slowly hope that the crude oil production will increase from IRAN.

The future of Guar Seed and Guar Gum in context to domestic and internatational scenario., guar, guar gum, ग्वार, ग्वार गम, ग्वार भाव , guar price, guar gum bhav, BSE guar, NCDEX Guar price , Guar gum price, guar gum demand , guar gum prices 2024, guar gum export demand 2024

As per the activities in international market. the winter time is over so there is no any major demand of the energy  but the there can be some activities in context to the next year demand . There is no any major sign from the European countries for fracking. The environmental laws are very strict in these countries so there will be no any major boom in fracking Industry in European countries.

The arrival of guar seed will be increasing in coming days. The month of Feb, March and April, farmers will require the money for their domestic needs. They will liquidate their guar stock and this activity will lead to arrival of guar seed.

There is good sign that the low and stable rate will attract the demand from the food processing and other industries. These industries has recently shifted to other alternates so they will take time to again adopt guar gum.

The current stock is sufficient for the supply up to nest 12-18 months. after 9 months we are expecting next crop so there is no any major reason for the price hike. Meanwhile we will also get some production from the southern states and might be summer crop from Gujarat and Maharshtra. It might be not of good quality but saturate the lower level.

The political activities will be also not impact the rates, as TWO important  Lok Sabha Constituency of guar growing belt  are reserved for SC. The current state government is also with clear 3/4 majority so no chances for the influences or instability due to guar.

The existing contracts are going smoothly and on regular basis but the new contracts will take time. The stability will keep going. The lower level touch  ( 3000-4000 ) will attract demand from other industry. Taht will again lead to the current level ( 5000-5500).

Guar gum exports in 2013-14 stood at Rs 11,734 crore with 48 % increase by volume

India Govt's organization has released the data of export of agricultural commodities from India. growth rate has been slow down from 24 .10% of last year t to 15.70 %  of this year. Guar gum powder export has emerged as major reason for slow down of  the agriculture export rate.

In 2013-14, India exported agriculture farm goods worth Rs 2,68,477 crore as against Rs 2,32,041 crore in 2012-13. In 2011-12, India had exported farm products worth Rs 1,86,970 crore.

The major reason behind decrease in guar gum export was the rate of guar gum . The rate of guar gum was remained steady throughout the year 2013-14. The average rate of guar gum seeds was INR 5000/ 100 Kg. 

Guar gum exports in 2013-14 stood at Rs 11,734 crore with 48 % increase by volume, guar, guar gum, ग्वार, ग्वार गम, ग्वार भाव , guar price, guar gum bhav, BSE guar, NCDEX Guar price , Guar gum price, guar gum demand , guar gum prices 2024, guar gum export demand 2024

It is noticed that the  there is sharp increase in volume in comparison to last year.  There volume wise it has increased 48 %  last year  there was decrease of 42.5 % . overall we can say by volume wise the export of guar gum has increase. 

This year it is expected that teh volume will increase as the carry forward of stock in international destination has come down. If the monsoon will normal or at a deviation up to 20 % then there will no any significant change in rate. The existing carry forward of farmers stock will  come out for sell in this year.   

Guar gum Export data of previous year 

  1. Year 2010-11       - Value INR    2,93,869.89  Lacs  or    2,938 Crore      Volume 4,41,607 MT
  2. Year 2011-12       - Value INR  16,52,386.70  Lacs  or  16,523 Crore      Volume 7,07,326 MT
  3. Year 2012-13       - Value INR  21,28,701.07  Lacs  or  21,287 Crore      Volume 4,06,311 MT
  4. Year 2013-14       - Value INR  11,73,452.54  Lacs  or  11,734 Crore      Volume 6,01,945  MT

Guar ( Guar Gum ) Cultivation: A crop with huge potential

We are leading knowledge and technology provider for the guar or guar seed or guar gum in the world. The demand of the guar , guar seed and guar gum is increasing day by day.

The major consumption is from Oil and natural gass industry. The industry consume huge amount of the guar gum as a carrier for sending the sand and other material to the shale rock after the hydraulic fracturing.

Hydraulic Fracturing is a process of drill the oil well horizontally. The shale rocks are fractured by the hydraulic pressure. To make the rock at the fractured position it needs sand. So that the hydrocarbon can move freely and can be easily come out.

USA is using this technology and today USA is self sufficient in the natural gas. Now USA is not importing the Natural gas from other countries.

Now the same technology is being followed by China, Australia and other countries so that they can use this huge stock of the natural gas. After the drilling, one natural gas well can work for more the 50-60 years.

People are thinking to opt the alternate of guar but the guar is natural polymer so it doesn’t not create any problem for the environment. So the gaur is the first preference of this

Guar gum is also used in the industry like food processing. Guar gum is used as natural food additive for thickening the food item. The guar gum doesn’t change the taste and color of the food items. It is also mixed in the ice-cream to prevent it crystallization at deep temperature.

It is also used in other industries like , printing, paper industry, cattle feed industry, paint industry, and textile industries due to its unique properties.

The crop can be grown easily in the low water availability, it require long day hour and bit humid climate. The crop is grown successfully in India since centuries.

If you have any question or query related to gaur gum please ask at this platform. We will happy to answer these queries.

Applications of Guar Gum



Ice Cream/Dairy Products
Provides smooth and creamier texture.
Prevents formation of ice crystals.
Prevents quick meltdown.

Bakery Products
Improves texture.
Increases shelf life.
Improves moisture retention.

Applications of Guar Gum

Pet Food
As a viscosifier.
Soups & Gravies
As a viscosifier.

Better sheet formation.
Improves moisture retention.
Improves texture.
Improves machine runnability, thereby increasing production.


Cosmetics - As conditioner cum viscosifier.
Pharmaceuticals - As water binding agent & rheology modifier.


Water binding agent for aqueous slurry explosives.


As thickener for direct as well as discharge printing.
As flocculating agent for purification.
Wide range of tailor-made products based on printing styles,
types of fabrics and dyes, as well as types of printing machines.


As flocculating agent for purification.
As fluid-loss controlling agent.
As additives in fracturing fluids.


As wet-end additive.
As sizing agent.
As retention aid.

Guar Gum Cultivation Consultancy

Guar Gum Cultivation Consultancy

Guar is emerged a profitable crop for the rainfed area. This is a low investment crop. We provide consultancy for the guar (guar gum) crop cultivation. Guar is a major crop of north western India; India produce maximum guar of the world, Pakistan stands second for the same. The guar seed is final farm produce of the guar crop. It is further processed in the Guar gum, which is used as gum powder in many industries like Oil extraction industry, food processing industry, food preservation industry, printing industry, textile industry, paper industry and other industries. The by-product of the guar gum industry is used in cattle feed industry.

Guar Gum Cultivation Consultancy

Though the Guar is a cash crop, if we consider the other importance of the crop, Guar can be called as complete agriculture crop. It is low investment crop, the cost of cultivation of the crop is very low, so the risk is also low, it is used as vegetable in green pod form, which is highly nutritive. It is used as green manure as a nutrient supplement for the other crops. The guar crop plant parts are used as fodder that is good for the digestive system. The guar seed are used as cattle feed for the milking cattle.   

Our expert will assist you in selection of the cropping time, land preparation, seed supply, weeds management, insect and pest management, water management, threshing, storage, trading and marketing and the processing of the guar seed into the guar Gum.

We are leading Agro Technology and Agribusiness consultancy provider. We strongly believe in business ethics. We have highly professional team of subject matter specialist of agriculture and allied disciplines. We believe in truly consultancy with independent and profitable solutions. For us agriculture is the base of development, height of development, strength of development, depth of development. For a long term sustainable social & economical development agriculture must be the axel. Agriculture development must environment friendly, sustainable, efficient use of available resources and non hazardous.

We provide Agro technology and Agribusiness consultancy through better utilization of your resources, value of your money, independent consultancy, cost effective, profitable solutions and complete satisfaction without any deviation.