Guar Seed supply will remain tight due to lower production

As per export data released by the “Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority”(APEDA) for the period of April-2019 to August-2019, guar gum export has declined by 18.28% or 40,648 MT, from 2,22,454 MT in year 2018 to 181806 in current year 2019 for the same period. Declining export of guar gum year by year is concern for guar growing farmers and whole guar gum industry. Guar gum is a unique agriculture product which can be used for different purpose due to its physical and chemical property. 

Major portion of guar gum is exported for oil and natural gas industry. Currently oil and natural gas industry is stagnate. Oil prices are stable due to over production by OPEC countries, which is sufficient for the global demand. Crude oil is being traded around USD 64.27 /Barrel. High dependency on oil and natural gas industry is not is favour for Indian guar gum industry. There is requirement of regular research and development to increase the consumption of Guar gum in food industry and other industries. 

Guar Seed supply will remain tight due to lower production, Guar, guar gum, guar price, guar gum price, guar demand, guar gum demand, guar seed production, guar seed stock, guar seed consumption, guar gum cultivation, guar gum cultivation in india, Guar gum farming, guar gum export from india , guar seed export, guar gum export, guar gum farming, guar gum cultivation consultancy, today guar price, today guar gum price, ग्वार, ग्वार गम, ग्वार मांग, ग्वार गम निर्यात 2018-2019, ग्वार गम निर्यात -2019, ग्वार उत्पादन, ग्वार कीमत, ग्वार गम मांग, Guar Gum, Guar seed, guar , guar gum, guar gum export from india, guar gum export to USA, guar demand USA, guar future price, guar future demand, guar production 2019, guar gum demand 2019, guar, guar gum, cluster beans, guar gum powder, guar gum price, guar gum uses, ncdex guar, guar price, guar gum price today, cyamopsis tetragonoloba, ncdex guar gum price, guar beans, guar rate today
Guar Seed supply will remain tight due to lower production
Oil rig count is decreasing in USA. As per Baker Hudges oil rig count currently 803 oil rig are active in USA which is lower by 276 then previous year oil rig count during same period. Declining oil rig count and drilling activities is not a positive news fro the indian guar gum industry. Global demand of crude oil will boost the oil prices and that will lead to increase in new oil drilling activities in USA. Gulf countries are covering their trade deficit by increasing the crude oil production. Increasing crude oil production by gulf countries is keeping pressure on crude oil prices. 

Due to poor performance of guar commodity in previous years, farmers are making distance from Guar cultivation. This year Guar crop was cultivated on 30,87,789 Hectare area. As per advance estimate by Rajasthan Govt guar production is expected to remain around 10,31,427 MT in Rajasthan for Kharif-2019. 2,00,000 MT guar seed production is expected from other guar growing states. This year rainfall was not distributed properly in whole guar growing belt. Farmers preferred Bajra crop over Guar crop due to better performance of Bajra crop. 

There are no any major chances of price rise in near future due to declining demand of guar gum powder, but prices may boost due to tight supply as production of guar seed is limited. Cultivation area is also shrinking. Farmers can hold 70% production for next 3-4 months. 

In this week NCDEX guar seed price is INR 4135/Quintal for 20th December contract. BSE Guar seed price for 20th December contract is INR 4093 /Quintal. NCDEX spot price is INR 4075/Quintal. NCDEX guar gum price is INR 7510/Quintal for 20th December contract. NCDEX spot price is INR 7565/Quintal. In local physical markets (Mandi) guar seed prices is INR 4300/Quintal and guar gum prices is INR 7600/Quintal.

Export of Guar products will increase in 2019-2020

Guar is major farm export from India after Rice. It always remains hot tradable agriculture commodity. India is major exporter of Guar in world. India export Guar to More than 100 countries. USA, China, Russia, Norway, Netherlands, Argentina, U.K. Italy, Chilie are major export destination for Indian Gaur. Last year ( 2018-2019) India exported 5,13,211 MT of guar products values of 676 Million USD or INR 4,70,704 Crore with 12.89 % growth in export quantity on previous year ( 2017-2018) export. India Export Guar in many forms like Guar gum powder, Guar protein, Guar Splits, Guar meal. 

Rainfall has covered most of Guar growing belt and there is sufficient rainfall for sowing of the Guar. As per Rajasthan Govt guar sowing has completed on 91% of targeted guar sowing area. Till 30th August guar sowing has completed on 28,41,100 hectare Area during the same period guar sowing was completed 30,80,000 hectare Area. Major production of Guar comes from the rainfed area. If the second round rainfall will remain good then production of guar crop will be normal. The production of guar seed will be around 60,00,000 to 80,00,000 Bags ( 100 Kg each ).

Export of Guar products will be increasing in in 2019-2020, Guar, guar gum, guar price, guar gum price, guar demand, guar gum demand, guar seed production, guar seed stock, guar seed consumption, guar gum cultivation, guar gum cultivation in india, Guar gum farming, guar gum export from india , guar seed export, guar gum export, guar gum farming, guar gum cultivation consultancy, today guar price, today guar gum price, ग्वार, ग्वार गम, ग्वार मांग, ग्वार गम निर्यात 2018-2019, ग्वार गम निर्यात -2019, ग्वार उत्पादन, ग्वार कीमत, ग्वार गम मांग, Guar Gum, Guar seed, guar , guar gum, guar gum export from india, guar gum export to USA, guar demand USA, guar future price, guar future demand, guar production 2019, guar gum demand 2019, guar, guar gum, cluster beans, guar gum powder, guar gum price, guar gum uses, ncdex guar, guar price, guar gum price today, cyamopsis tetragonoloba, ncdex guar gum price, guar beans, guar rate today

If we look at the annual lowest price of commodities, guar is preforming well. Annually it is growing 10-15% since last four years. Due to its export potential, it is strong commodity it is used by many industries. Use of Guar gum powder is using for human consumption. Except food processing it is used as dietary fibber. Many pharmaceutical companies are making guar based dietary fiber supplements. It is used to clean the intestine and constipation. IT is also researched that guar increases the metabolism and help the diabetic patients. 

Prices of guar keep moving up and down till fresh guar crop will be available for sale in market. Next one month is very important as a lot of disease attacks in September month. If the rain will not regular then crop may damage due to scarcity of moisture. There can be various factors which may impact the prices. Pakistan has also received the sufficient rainfall in guar growing belt of Pakistan. New production will come in last week of October but condition of crop will be clear by the end of September Month. 

In this week NCDEX guar seed price is INR 4215/Quintal for 20thSeptember contract. BSE guar seed price for 30th September contract is INR 4192 /Quintal; NCDEX spot price is INR 4250/Quintal. NCDEX guar gum price is INR 8400/Quintal for 20thSeptember contract. NCDEX spot price is INR 8400/Quintal. In local physical markets (Mandi) guar seed prices is INR 4400/Quintal and guar gum prices is INR 8600/Quintal.

राजस्थान में ग्वार की बीजाई निर्धारित लक्ष्य के 89% क्षेत्र पर पूर्ण

अगस्त के महीने में ग्वार उत्पादन क्षेत्र में अच्छी बारिश हुई है l विशेष रूप से बारानी ग्वार उत्पादन क्षेत्र में आवश्यकता अनुरूप बारिश हुयी है l इसके साथ ही ग्वार की बीजाई के क्षेत्रफल में भी बढ़ोतरी हुई है l ग्वार की बीजाई के उपलब्ध ताज़ा आंकड़ों के अनुसार ग्वार की बीजाई 27,56,000 हेक्टेयर क्षेत्रफल में पूरी हो गयी है, जो की राजस्थान सरकार के द्वार निर्धारित ग्वार की बीजाई के लक्ष्य का 89 % है, इस वर्ष राजस्थान सरकार ने ग्वार की बीजाई का लक्ष्य 31,00,000 हेक्टेयर रखा है l अनुमान है की अगस्त के आखिर तक ग्वार की बीजाई का लक्ष्य पूरा हो जाएगा l

अगस्त के महीने में मिटटी व वातावरण में पूरी नमी है l ग्वार की वृद्धि व विकास के लिए यह एक उपयुक्त परिस्थिति है l अगर सितम्बर के महीने में परिस्थिति में बदलाव नहीं होता है तो ग्वार की अच्छी फसल होने की उम्मीद है l बादलों से भरा मौषम लम्बे समय तक रहने कीट व बीमारी फ़ैलने से अनुकूल परिस्थिति बन जाती है l ग्वार उत्पादन क्षेत्र में अभी कीट बिमारी का प्रकोप सामने नहीं आया है l अभी तो फसल का शुरुवाती समय है l 15-20 दिन के अंतराल के बाद दुसरे दौर की बारिश फसल के अच्छे विकास के लिए बहुत जरूरी है l

ग्वार की बीजाई निर्धारित लक्ष्य के 89% क्षेत्र में पूरी हुई l   Guar crop sowing has completed on 89% of target guar sowing area,  Guar, guar gum, guar price, guar gum price, guar demand, guar gum demand, guar seed production, guar seed stock, guar seed consumption, guar gum cultivation, guar gum cultivation in india, Guar gum farming, guar gum export from india , guar seed export, guar gum export, guar gum farming, guar gum cultivation consultancy, today guar price, today guar gum price, ग्वार, ग्वार गम, ग्वार मांग, ग्वार गम निर्यात 2018-2019, ग्वार गम निर्यात -2019, ग्वार उत्पादन, ग्वार कीमत, ग्वार गम मांग, Guar Gum, Guar seed, guar , guar gum, guar gum export from india, guar gum export to USA, guar demand USA, guar future price, guar future demand, guar production 2019, guar gum demand 2019, guar, guar gum, cluster beans, guar gum powder, guar gum price, guar gum uses, ncdex guar, guar price, guar gum price today, cyamopsis tetragonoloba, ncdex guar gum price, guar beans, guar rate today
ग्वार की बीजाई निर्धारित लक्ष्य के 89% क्षेत्र में पूरी हुई l
कच्चे तील की कीमतें, अमेरिका व चीन के बीच जारी व्यापारिक गतिरोध के फस गयी है l चीन ने अमेरिका से आयातित तेल पर 5% अतिरिक्त टैक्स ड्यूटी लगाने का निर्णय लिया है l इंधन के उत्पादन के सिवाय कच्चे तेल से रसायन, प्लास्टिक, रबर, सिंथेटिक रेशे तथा ओर भी दुसरे पदार्थो का उत्पादन होता हैl वैश्विक अर्थव्यवस्थता के लिए कच्चा तेल बहुत उपयोगी है l रुकी तथा गिरती हुयी तेल की कीमते वैश्विक राजनीती में तनाव, वैश्विक अर्थव्यवस्थता में मंदी तथा बाज़ार में कच्चे तेल की उपलब्धता में बढ़ोतरी का संकेत है l 

तेल व प्राकृत गैस का उत्पादन उद्योग भारतीय ग्वार गम का मुख्य उपभोक्ता है l अमेरिका में हलके कच्चे तेल का उत्पादन बढ़ रह है l अमेरिका में हलके कच्चे तेल के उत्पादन में ग्वार फ्रेकिंग तकनीक में काम आता है l अमेरिका अपनी आयल रिफायनरी के भारी तेल का आयात करता हैl कच्चे तेल के अलावा पशु आहार उद्योग ग्वार उपत्पाद पशु प्रोटीन का दूसरा सबसे बड़ा उपभोक्ता है l अमेरिका में तेल की खुदाई की आयल रिग की संख्या में गिरावट आरही है l अमेरिका में अभी 916 आयल रिग सक्रीय है जो की पिछले वर्ष से 128 कम है l 

मौजूद बाज़ार की परिस्थिति के अनुसार ग्वार की कीमते 5000 से ऊपर सपोर्ट नहीं कर रही हैl ग्वार की अच्छी फसल की उम्मीद व ग्वार गम की कम निर्यात मांग, ग्वार के भावों को 5000 से ऊपर नहीं जाने देगाl जारी वित वर्ष(2019-2020) के पहेल क्वार्टर (अप्रैल से जून ) में 1,27,700 MT ग्वार उत्पादों का निर्यात हुआ है l पिछले वर्ष (2018-2019) इसी समय के दौरान पहेल क्वार्टर (अप्रैल से जून ) में 1,35,210 MT ग्वार उत्पादों का निर्यात हुआ है l 

इस सप्ताह NCDEX पर ग्वार के भाव 20 सितम्बर के सौदे के लिए 4305 रूपए प्रति क्विंटल, BSE पर 30th अगस्त के सौदे के लिए ग्वार के भाव 4206 रूपए प्रति क्विंटल, NCDEX पर स्पॉट के भाव 4250 रूपए प्रति क्विटल l इसी तरह NCDEX पर ग्वार गम के भाव 20 सितम्बर के सौदे के लिए 8405 रूपए प्रति क्विंटल, तथा NCDEX पर ग्वार गम के स्पॉट के भाव 8369 रूपए प्रति क्विटल के आस पास चल रहे है l स्थानीय अनाज मंडियों में ग्वार के भाव 4300 रूपए प्रति क्विटल व ग्वार गम के भाव 8500 रूपए प्रति क्विंटल के आस पास चल रहे है l 

सुस्त व्यापारिक गतिविधि व निर्यात की कम मांग के कारण ग्वार की कीमते थोड़ी कमजोर है l ग्वार के खरीददार नए ग्वार को खरीदने का का मन बना कर चल रहे है जिससे हाज़िर की मांग बाजारों में अभी कमजोर चल रही है l नया ग्वार आने में अभी 2 महीने का ही समय बचा हैl ताज़ा ग्वार के दानों में नमी अच्छी होती है जिससे उसे प्रोसेस करना आसान होता है l नए ग्वार में ग्वार गम की रिकवरी पुराने ग्वार की बजाये अच्छी बैठती है

Guar crop sowing has completed on 89% of target guar sowing area

Rainfall in August month has improved in Guar growing belt especially in rainfed guar growing belt. Guar sowing area has also increased with improved rainfall. As per latest available data, Guar sowing has completed on 27,56,000 Hectare Area. That is 89 % of the guar sowing target, this is year Rajasthan Govt has target guar sowing on 31,00,000. It is expected that rest of targeted guar sowing will complete by the end of August month.

There is full moisture in soil and environment in the August month. It is favorable for guar plant growth and biological development. If condition will remain same in September month then there will be good Guar crop. Longer cloudy period can become favorable condition for the disease and insect outbreak. Till now no attack of insect and disease has noticed in guar growing belt. This is starting of crop cultivation period. Next round of rainfall with interval of 15-20 days is very important for good crop production. 

Guar crop sowing has completed on 89% on target guar sowing area, Guar, guar gum, guar price, guar gum price, guar demand, guar gum demand, guar seed production, guar seed stock, guar seed consumption, guar gum cultivation, guar gum cultivation in india, Guar gum farming, guar gum export from india , guar seed export, guar gum export, guar gum farming, guar gum cultivation consultancy, today guar price, today guar gum price, ग्वार, ग्वार गम, ग्वार मांग, ग्वार गम निर्यात 2018-2019, ग्वार गम निर्यात -2019, ग्वार उत्पादन, ग्वार कीमत, ग्वार गम मांग, Guar Gum, Guar seed, guar , guar gum, guar gum export from india, guar gum export to USA, guar demand USA, guar future price, guar future demand, guar production 2019, guar gum demand 2019, guar, guar gum, cluster beans, guar gum powder, guar gum price, guar gum uses, ncdex guar, guar price, guar gum price today, cyamopsis tetragonoloba, ncdex guar gum price, guar beans, guar rate today
Guar crop sowing has completed on 89% on target guar sowing area 
 Crude oil prices have plunged in trade ware between USA and China. CHINA has made decision to impose 5% terrify duty on US crude oil import. Except the fuel production, a lot of chemicals, polymers and fibre are produced from the crude oil. Crude oil is very important to run the Global economy. Plunged crude oil prices are sign of increased dispute in geopolitics, slowdown of global economy, over supply of crude oil in market.

Oil and natural gas industry is the major consumer of Indian guar gum powder. Light crude production is increasing in USA. Guar is used in light crude oil production by fracking technology. Though USA is producing 11.0 million Barrel per Day, USA is still importing heavy crude oil for its refinery. Except crude oil, Cattle feed is second largest consumer of Indian Guar as Guar meal/ Guar protein. Oil rig count gas decreased in USA. As per Backer Hudges, currently 916 Oil rigs are active in USA, this count 128 less than previous year. 

As per current market analysis of Guar, factors don’t support guar prices above the 5000 level. Expectation of normal guar crop and poor export demand, of the guar gum powder will not let the guar prices to go above 5000 level. In first quarter of current financial year (2019-2020) from April to June, 1,27,700 MT guar products has exported. During the same period of previous year ( 2018-2019) 1,35,210 MT guar products were exported.

In this week NCDEX guar seed price is INR 4305/Quintal for 20thSeptember contract. BSE guar seed price for 30th August contract is INR 4206/Quintal; NCDEX spot price is INR 4250/Quintal. NCDEX guar gum price is INR 8405/Quintal for 20thSeptember contract. NCDEX spot price is INR 8369/Quintal. In local physical markets (Mandi) guar seed prices is INR 4300/Quintal and guar gum prices is INR 8500/Quintal.

Prices of guar have declined due to poor export demand and sluggish business activities. Spot demand of Guar is low. Buyers will be targeting to buy fresh guar crop in November and December. There are only two months to come fresh crop in market. Fresh crop have good moisture and it is easy to process it. Guar gum recovery remains high in fresh crop in comparison to stored Guar of last years.

इस समाचार को हिंदी  में पढ़िए , नीचे लिंक को क्लिक करे 

ग्वार की बीजाई निर्धारित लक्ष्य के 89% क्षेत्र में पूरी हुई l

1,27,700 MT guar products has exported in first quarter of 2019-20

1,27,700 MT guar products has exported in first quarter of 2019-20. Please view the complete YOUTUBE video for further details.

For more detail on Guar and Gaur gum. Please subscribe the YOUTUBE channel so that you can get the regular YOUTUBE video about latest update on Guar and Guar gum.

Export of guar products has declined by 5.5%.

In first quarter of current financial year Guar gum export has declined by 5.55%. There was 1,27,700 MT export of guar products from April 2019 to June 2019. During the same period in last year from there was 1,35,210 MT export of Guar products from April 2018-June 2018. Generally export of guar gum products remains low in the first quarter as it is starting of financial year. New contracts of export will be signed after first quarter in new financial year. Overall export of guar products is increasing continuously since last 4-5 years.

There is good rainfall in Guar cultivation belt in current month of “SHRAVAN”. Rainfall has covered most of irrigated Guar cultivation area. Rain fed area of Jodhpur, Jaisalmer, Nagaur, Jalore, Sirohi and Bikaner has received deficit rainfall. Right now it is too late for rainfall for sowing. As per Rajasthan govt data guar sowing has completed on 78.2% area of targeted guar sowing area. This year govt has targeted guar sowing on 31,00,000 hectare area. As on 08th August,2019 guar sowing has completed on 24,24,200 hectare area. During the same period of last year Guar sowing was completed on 28,06,000 hectare area.

Export of guar products has declined by 5.5%, Guar, guar gum, guar price, guar gum price, guar demand, guar gum demand, guar seed production, guar seed stock, guar seed consumption, guar gum cultivation, guar gum cultivation in india, Guar gum farming, guar gum export from india , guar seed export, guar gum export, guar gum farming, guar gum cultivation consultancy, today guar price, today guar gum price, ग्वार, ग्वार गम, ग्वार मांग, ग्वार गम निर्यात 2018-2019, ग्वार गम निर्यात -2019, ग्वार उत्पादन, ग्वार कीमत, ग्वार गम मांग, Guar Gum, Guar seed, guar , guar gum, guar gum export from india, guar gum export to USA, guar demand USA, guar future price, guar future demand, guar production 2019, guar gum demand 2019, guar, guar gum, cluster beans, guar gum powder, guar gum price, guar gum uses, ncdex guar, guar price, guar gum price today, cyamopsis tetragonoloba, ncdex guar gum price, guar beans, guar rate today

Oil rig count in USA has also dropped by 123 in comparison to previous year. As per baker Hudges oil rig count data, 934 oil rigs are active in USA. This week oil rigs have declined by 8 rigs as on previous week oil rig count. Decline in oil rig count is sign of low consumption of guar gum powder in USA. Oil rigs have dropped both in USA and Canada. But there is improvement in international oil rig count.

Prices of Guar have improved during last week due to news of poor rainfall and expectation of lower guar crop production. In future prices of guar will depend on production of guar and crude oil prices. International crude oil prices are down right now due to increased inventory in USA and geopolitical conflicts. Trade war between USA and China is escalating. Both countries are opening new fronts of tradewar. Crude oil prices are very sensitive to geopolitics and global trade disputes.

In this week NCDEX guar seed price is INR 4317/Quintal for 20thAugust contract. BSE guar seed price for 30th August contract is INR 4374/Quintal; NCDEX spot price is INR 4361/Quintal. NCDEX guar gum price is INR 8639/Quintal for 20thAugust contract. BSE guar gum price for 30th August contract is INR 8781/Quintal, NCDEX spot price is INR 8715/Quintal. In local physical markets (Mandi) guar seed prices is INR 4400/Quintal and guar gum prices is INR 9000/Quintal.

इस समाचार को हिंदी  में पढ़िए , नीचे लिंक को क्लिक करे 

ग्वार उत्पादों के निर्यात में 5.5 % की कमी

Guar sowing has completed on 8,65,000 Hectare area in Rajasthan.

Sowing of guar has completed on 8,65,000 Hectare area in Rajasthan. Please view the complete YOUTUBE video for further details.

For more detail on Guar and Gaur gum. Please subscribe the YOUTUBE channel so that you can get the regular YOUTUBE video about latest update on Guar and Guar gum.

Guar sowing area has decreased by 40% in comparison to last year.

Govt of Rajasthan has released latest data on Kharif crop sowing till 18th July 2019. As per these data Guar sowing has completed on 865000 Hectare area, which is 27.9% of the targeted Guar sowing. Last year guar sowing was completed on 14,55,000 hectare area during the same period. This year there is 40 % drop in guar sowing area in comparison to previous year. Rajasthan is major guar producing state in India. If the sowing area in Rajasthan will drop then production of Guar will also come down. This year Agriculture department of Rajasthan has targeted Guar sowing on 31, 00,000 Hectare.

Guar growing belt is completely dry. Except few patches most of area is facing the shortage of rainfall. There is no sufficient moisture for new guar crop sowing. Existing guar crop is dying due to shortage of rain. Deficient rainfall was predicted by the international weather agencies due to Al-nino in March-April. Local metrological & weather agencies predicted that monsoon would be normal in last of May and June. Situation of rainfall is poor in whole India. This year most of rain fed crop sowing area has dropped. 

Guar sowing area has decreased by 40% in comparison to previous year. ,  Guar, guar gum, guar price, guar gum price, guar demand, guar gum demand, guar seed production, guar seed stock, guar seed consumption, guar gum cultivation, guar gum cultivation in india, Guar gum farming, guar gum export from india , guar seed export, guar gum export, guar gum farming, guar gum cultivation consultancy, today guar price, today guar gum price, ग्वार, ग्वार गम, ग्वार मांग, ग्वार गम निर्यात 2018-2019, ग्वार गम निर्यात -2019, ग्वार उत्पादन, ग्वार कीमत, ग्वार गम मांग, Guar Gum, Guar seed, guar , guar gum, guar gum export from india, guar gum export to USA, guar demand USA, guar future price, guar future demand, guar production 2019, guar gum demand 2019, guar, guar gum, cluster beans, guar gum powder, guar gum price, guar gum uses, ncdex guar, guar price, guar gum price today, cyamopsis tetragonoloba, ncdex guar gum price, guar beans, guar rate today

As per Vikrimi/Hindu calendar Shrawan month has started in this week. Generally Shravan and Bhadrpad are considered as month of rainfall. Hopefully situation will improve in these two months. Crop of irrigated area can be sown with ground water or other irrigation water but it is must in rain fed area, after sowing subsequent rainfall is also important for crop development. 

Demand of guar gum powder may drop due to drop in Oil rig count. As per backer huge oil rig count data, 954 oil rigs are active in USA, which is 92 rigs lesser than same period of previous year. Inventory of crude oil has increased in USA. Tension between Iran and Western countries is increasing due to capture of commercial Ships by England and Iran. If tension escalates into the war then Oil prices may boost and demand of guar gum may increase in international market. Shipping of Oil may be tight and dangerous due to further escalations. 

Prices of Guar have fallen during last week due to poor export demand and sluggish business. Though export of guar is increasing but people are linking guar with crude oil. Oil prices are plunged in geopolitics so market man sees the future of Guar gum as plunged. Uses of guar are also increasing in other industries, so demand will keep increasing continuously. 

In this week NCDEX guar seed price is INR 4302/Quintal for 20thAugust contract. BSE guar seed price for 31th July contract is INR 4304/Quintal; NCDEX spot price is INR 4350/Quintal. NCDEX guar gum price is INR 8682/Quintal for 20thAugust contract. BSE guar gum price for 31th July contract is INR 8781/Quintal, NCDEX spot price is INR 8831/Quintal. In local physical markets (Mandi) guar seed prices is INR 4400/Quintal and guar gum prices is INR 9000/Quintal.

इस समाचार को हिंदी  में पढ़िए , नीचे लिंक को क्लिक करे

Guar Product Export has increased by 57.78 % in four years

As per data released by APEDA, export of guar products is increasing continuously since last four years. In year 2015-16 export of guar products was 3,25,249 MT. In year 2018-19 it has increased by 57.78 %. In year 2018-19 there was export of 5,13,210 MT of Guar products. Export of total guar gum has increased by 41.38% from 2,56,676 MT in year 2015-16 to 3,62,900 MT in year 2018-19. Export of guar Korma has increased by 119.19% from 68,573 MT in year 2015-16 to 1,50,310 MT in year 2018-19. Export of guar gum split has increased by 85.75% from 45,667 MT in year 2015-16 to 84,828 MT in year 2018-19.

Rainfall is very poor in guar cultivation area. Crop has damaged in rainfed area due to poor soil moisture. Hot and dry winds are drying the soil. Area of Churu, Bikaner, Jaisalmer, Jodhpur and Barmer has not got enough rainfall for gaur sowing. Monsoon is being delayed than predictions. If rainfall will come in next week, then farmers will first go for millets and pulses cultivation, after that they will go for guar cultivation. There are clear sign that, this year guar sowing will come down in comparison to previous years. As per fresh sowing data released by Rajasthan Govt. Guar sowing has completed on 6,27,900 hectare area or 21.7 % of targeted guar cultivation area. 

Guar Product Export has increased by 57.78 % in four years ,  Guar, guar gum, guar price, guar gum price, guar demand, guar gum demand, guar seed production, guar seed stock, guar seed consumption, guar gum cultivation, guar gum cultivation in india, Guar gum farming, guar gum export from india , guar seed export, guar gum export, guar gum farming, guar gum cultivation consultancy, today guar price, today guar gum price, ग्वार, ग्वार गम, ग्वार मांग, ग्वार गम निर्यात 2018-2019, ग्वार गम निर्यात -2019, ग्वार उत्पादन, ग्वार कीमत, ग्वार गम मांग, Guar Gum, Guar seed, guar , guar gum, guar gum export from india, guar gum export to USA, guar demand USA, guar future price, guar future demand, guar production 2019, guar gum demand 2019, guar, guar gum, cluster beans, guar gum powder, guar gum price, guar gum uses, ncdex guar, guar price, guar gum price today, cyamopsis tetragonoloba, ncdex guar gum price, guar beans, guar rate today

Increasing export is good sign for whole guar gum industry. Major demand of Guar gum is derived from Oil and natural gas industry. Now guar gum demand is increasing from food and other industries. Indian guar gum companies are taking advance steps and started their business directly in European & Western market without help of any existing international guar gum player. Once the guar gum trade will come out from the dependence of European and western player, Indian guar gum industry will become self-sufficient. 

Guar gum business giants are working with Indian companies by keeping role on Indian partner limited to procurement, production and export. Major chunk of profit of Guar gum industry is kept by these giants. These giants are running few CSR project so that they can keep eyes on procurement, production and export activities of Indian partner companies. Major objective behind such CSR projects, are to gather field data on production, price and processing.
Guar Product Export has increased by 57.78 % in four years ,  Guar, guar gum, guar price, guar gum price, guar demand, guar gum demand, guar seed production, guar seed stock, guar seed consumption, guar gum cultivation, guar gum cultivation in india, Guar gum farming, guar gum export from india , guar seed export, guar gum export, guar gum farming, guar gum cultivation consultancy, today guar price, today guar gum price, ग्वार, ग्वार गम, ग्वार मांग, ग्वार गम निर्यात 2018-2019, ग्वार गम निर्यात -2019, ग्वार उत्पादन, ग्वार कीमत, ग्वार गम मांग, Guar Gum, Guar seed, guar , guar gum, guar gum export from india, guar gum export to USA, guar demand USA, guar future price, guar future demand, guar production 2019, guar gum demand 2019, guar, guar gum, cluster beans, guar gum powder, guar gum price, guar gum uses, ncdex guar, guar price, guar gum price today, cyamopsis tetragonoloba, ncdex guar gum price, guar beans, guar rate today
Guar Gum and other Guar products Export from India from 2015-2019
Farmers and traders can hold the current stock. If the conditions will remain positive then there are chances that prices may move upward very fast within 2-3 weeks. Current level of prices will remain lower side for this year even in over supply condition. Any shortage of green fodder will lead to increase in demand of Guar Churi Korma. Churi korma has emerged as major guar product to stabilize the guar prices at lower side. Cattle feed industry will emerge as major industry to generate the guar demand.

In this week NCDEX guar seed price is INR 4343/Quintal for 19thJuly contract. BSE guar seed price for 31th July contract is INR 4318/Quintal; NCDEX spot price is INR 4420/Quintal. NCDEX guar gum price is INR 8880/Quintal for 19th July contract. BSE guar gum price for 31th July contract is INR 9025/Quintal, NCDEX spot price is INR 8993/Quintal. In local physical markets (Mandi) guar seed prices is INR 4400/Quintal and guar gum prices is INR 9000/Quintal.

Please visit and subscribe the YOUTUBE channel, for the latest update and information on Guar & Guar gum.

ग्वार के उत्पादों के निर्यात पिछले चार सालों 57.78 % की वृद्धि l

ग्वार के उत्पादों के निर्यात पिछले चार सालों 57.78 % की वृद्धि ? इसके बारे में पूरी जानकारी के लिए पूरा YOUTUBE विडियो देखे l

ग्वार व ग्वार गम पर ज्यादा जानकारी के YOUTUBE के चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करे, ताकि ग्वार पर ताज़ा अपडेट के नए YOUTUBE विडियो आपको समय पर मिलते रहे l

ग्वार की बीजाई में भारी गिरावट होने से 2019-2020 में ग्वार के भाव बढ़ेंगे

ग्वार की बीजाई में भारी गिरावट होने से 2019-2020 में ग्वार के भाव बढ़ेंगे ? इसके बारे में पूरी जानकारी के लिए पूरा YOUTUBE विडियो देखे l 

ग्वार व ग्वार गम पर ज्यादा जानकारी के YOUTUBE के चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करे, ताकि ग्वार पर ताज़ा अपडेट के नए YOUTUBE विडियो आपको समय पर मिलते रहे l

Guar sowing has completed on 2,52,100 Hectare area in Rajasthan

As per data released by Agriculture department Rajasthan Guar seed (Cluster bean- Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) sowing has completed on 2,52,100 Hectare area. This year Agriculture department Rajasthan has targeted Gaur sowing on 31,00,000 Hectare Area. Till 2nd July, 2019, 8.1 % sowing of targeted guar cultivation has completed. Due to poor return in previous years Farmers will switch to other kharif crops instead of guar. During the same period of last year (Kharif 2018-19) guar sowing was completed on 3,73,600 hectare 

Monsoon has delayed in Rajasthan. Till now deficit rainfall has recorded in Guar growing belt of Gujarat, Rajasthan and Haryana. As per meteorological department monsoon will active after 7th July, 2019. Delay in monsoon will lead to poor sowing and damage of existing guar crop. Major production of Guar comes from rainfed area of Rajasthan. Poor and deficient rainfall will cause poor production and poor quality of guar crop.

Guar sowing has completed on 2,52,100 Hectare area in Rajasthan , Guar, guar gum, guar price, guar gum price, guar demand, guar gum demand, guar seed production, guar seed stock, guar seed consumption, guar gum cultivation, guar gum cultivation in india, Guar gum farming, guar gum export from india , guar seed export, guar gum export, guar gum farming, guar gum cultivation consultancy, today guar price, today guar gum price, ग्वार, ग्वार गम, ग्वार मांग, ग्वार गम निर्यात 2018-2019, ग्वार गम निर्यात -2019, ग्वार उत्पादन, ग्वार कीमत, ग्वार गम मांग, Guar Gum, Guar seed, guar , guar gum, guar gum export from india, guar gum export to USA, guar demand USA, guar future price, guar futrue demand, guar production 2019, guar gum demand 2019

By the end of this week rainfall will cover entire guar growing belt. Farmers is rainfed area will go for guar sowing after Bajara ( Pearlmillet- Pennisetum glaucum) and kharif pulses. Sowing of guar will be limited in the rain fed area. Though Guar is good crop but farmer prefers it as low opportunity crop in irrigated belt. Guar is an export oriented crop, having many chemical and physical properties useful for many industries. Poor R&D and competitive business practices by Indian guar gum industries are dispersing the profit out of India. 

Though it seems that guar has given return of 20% - 25 % this year but it was a loss making as at the time of arrival prices were high and after that prices fell down and didn’t recovered to same level. Farmer & trader were expecting guar prices above 5000 level. This year, guar didn’t cross 5000 level. Crude oil price is considered as major fundamental for Guar, but this year guar prices didn’t follow the same path of crude oil prices. 

In this week NCDEX guar seed prices are INR 4302/Quintal for 19th July contract. BSE guar seed prices for 31th July contract are INR 4357/Quintal; NCDEX spot prices are INR 4350/Quintal. NCDEX guar gum prices are INR 8610/Quintal for 19th July contract. BSE guar gum prices for 31th July contract are INR 8739/Quintal, NCDEX spot prices are INR 8725/Quintal. In local physical markets (Mandi) guar seed prices are INR 4400/Quintal and guar gum prices are INR 8800/Quintal.

Please visit and subscribe the YOUTUBE channel, for the latest update and information on Guar & Guar gum

मानसून में देरी से ग्वार की बीजाई इस वर्ष कैसी रहेगी ?

मौषम विभाग के अनुसार राजस्थान में मानसून देरी से आने की उम्मीद है । मौषम विभाग के आंकलन के अनुसार 15 जुलाई तक राजस्थान में मानसून आएगा। मानसून के देरी से आने से ग्वार की बिजाई प्रभावित होगी । ग्वार की सामान्य बुवाई 20-22 जून के आस पास हो जानी चाहिए। वायु चक्रवात तूफ़ान के साथ राजस्थान में बारिश होने की उम्मीद थी। लेकिन वायु तूफ़ान भारत में नहीं घुसा और किनारों से होता हुआ चला गया। ताज़ा जानकारी के अनुसार वायु तूफान वापस भारत की तरफ रुख कर सकता है । इससे राजस्थान में कुछ बारिश हो सकती है ।
लेट होने के बावजूद अगर मानसून अच्छा रहता है तो किसान ग्वार की तुलना में दूसरी खरीफ की फसलों की खेती करेगा l इस वर्ष राजस्थान में मुख्य चुनाव पुरे हो चुके है l राज्य सरकार ने नए फसली ऋण देने में भी अपने हाथ पीछे कर लिए है l पुराने फसली ऋण में फसे किसानो को भी सरकार से कोई विशेष सहायत मिलने की उम्मीद नहीं है l ऐसी स्थिति में किसान सबसे पहले बाजार मूंग मोठ को प्रथमिकत देगा l इस साल बाजरे के भाव भी अच्छे रहे है l अतः किसान के लिए ग्वार दूसरी वरीयता की फसल रहेगी l 

मानसून में देरी से ग्वार की बीजाई घटेगी या बढ़ेगी ? ?, Guar, guar gum, guar price, guar gum price, guar demand, guar gum demand, guar seed production, guar seed stock, guar seed consumption, guar gum cultivation, guar gum cultivation in india, Guar gum farming, guar gum export from india , guar seed export, guar gum export, guar gum farming, guar gum cultivation consultancy, today guar price, today guar gum price, ग्वार, ग्वार गम, ग्वार मांग, ग्वार गम निर्यात 2018-2019, ग्वार गम निर्यात -2019, ग्वार उत्पादन, ग्वार कीमत, ग्वार गम मांग, Guar Gum, Guar seed, guar , guar gum, guar gum export from india, guar gum export to USA, guar demand USA, guar future price, guar future demand, guar production 2019, guar gum demand 2019

उधर अमेरिका व इरान के बीच राजनैतिक संकट और गहराता जा रहा है l इरान के पास जापान को जाने वाले तेल टेंकरों पर आक्रमण का दोष अमेरिका, ईरान के ऊपर डाल रहा है l इस आक्रमण के चलते इस सप्ताह तेल की कीमतों में 4% से ज्यादा की बढ़ोतरी भी देखी गयी है l बैकरहूज के आयल रिग की गिनती के आंकड़ो के अनुसार आयल रिग की संख्या में गिरावट दर्ज को गयी है l इन आंकड़ों के अनुसार अमेरिका में 969 आयल रिग सक्रिय है जो की पिछले वर्ष से 90 कम है तथा पिछले सप्ताह के मुकाबले 6 कम है l घटती हुयी आयल रिग की संख्या तेल की खुदाई में काम आने वाले रसायन व ग्वार गम के मांग में कमी को दर्शाती है l 

पिछले वर्ष ग्वार की कुल बीजाई राजस्थान में 30,87,769 हक्टैयर पर हुई थी तथा उत्पादन 1,03,14,150 क्विटल तकरीबन एक करोड़ तीन लाख बोरी का हुआ था l ग्वार की उत्पादकता प्रति हेक्टेयर 3.34 क्विंटल की रही थी l इस वर्ष अनुमान के मुताबिक बीजाई 30 लाख हेक्टेयर से कम होने की उम्मीद है l ग्वार का उत्पादन मानसून व ग्वार की उत्पादकता पर निर्भर करेगा l राजस्थान ग्वार का मुख्य उत्पादक राज्य है उसके बाद ग्वार का उत्पादन हरियाणा में होता है पिछले वर्ष हरियाणा में ग्वार की बीजाई 2,46,000 हक्टैयर में हुयी थी तथा ग्वार का उत्पादन 7,87,200 क्विंटल या तकरीबन 7.87 लाख बोरी का हुआ था l हरियाणा के बाद ग्वार का उत्पादन गुजरात में होता है पिछले वर्ष गुजरात में ग्वार की बीजाई 1,34,660 हक्टैयर में हुयी थी तथा ग्वार का उत्पादन 7,35,200 क्विंटल तकरीबन 7.35 लाख बोरी का हुआ था l 
मौषम की बेरुखी का सबसे बुरा प्रभाव बाड़मेर जैसलमेर क्षेत्र में पड रहा है l बारिश के आने से पहले ही अकाल पड़ने की स्थिति उत्पन्न हो गयी है l चारे व पानी के अभाव में भारी मात्रा में पशुधन काल के ग्राश बनते जा रहे है l ऊपर से सूर्य देव भयंकर आग बरसा रहे है l इस बीच कई क्षेत्रों में टिड्डी दल ने भी आक्रमण कर दिया है l सिंचित क्षेत्रो में किसानों के और भी बुरे हाल है l मानसून के समय पर आने की उम्मीद में किसानों से जैसे तैसे सिचाई कर के बीजाई तो कर दी लेकिन नहरो में प्रयाप्त मात्रा में पानी नहीं होने के कारन बीजाई की हुयी फसल भी ख़राब हो रही है l पशुओं के लिए हरे चारे का भी संकट खड़ा हो गया है l 

मानसून के लेट होने से सिंचित क्षेत्रो में ग्वार की बीजाई का समय भी निकल रहा है l ग्वार की बीजाई में देरी होने से ग्वार की फसल पकने में ज्यादा समय लेगी l अगर कटाई में ज्यादा समय लगता है तो रबी की फसल की बीजाई में देरी होगी l लेकिन किसान रबी की फसल में देरी नहीं करेगा क्योंकि रबी की फसल सिंचित क्षेत्रो में मुख्य फसल होती है l अतः किसान ग्वार की फसल को बिना अच्छी तरह पके या नमी की अवस्था में ही कटाई करेगा l जिससे ग्वार की उत्पादकता पर बुरा असर पड़ेगा l 

ग्वार के भावों पर कमजोर मांग व घटते निर्यात का असर बना रहेगा l अभी कोई विशेस तेज़ी की सम्भावना नहीं हैl अगर मानसून 30 जून तक सक्रिय नहीं होता है तो l ग्वार के भावों में तेज़ी का रूख बन सकता है l बीजाई जितनी ज्यादा लेट होगी ग्वार के भाव उतने ही ज्यादा मजबूत होंगे l सामान्य मानसून की स्थिति में भी नीचे की तरफ ग्वार 4000 का स्तर नहीं तोड़ेगा l अबकी बार ग्वार का केरी ओवर स्टॉक पिछले साल के मुकाबले बहुत ही कम है l अभी किसान व व्यापारी ग्वार व ग्वार गम की बिकवाली में ना आये l

2019-20 में मानसून में देरी से ग्वार की बीजाई घटेगी या बढ़ेगी ?

2019-20 में मानसून में देरी से ग्वार की बीजाई घटेगी या बढ़ेगी ? इसके बारे में पूरी जानकारी के लिए पूरा YOUTUBE विडियो देखे l

ग्वार व ग्वार गम पर ज्यादा जानकारी के YOUTUBE के चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करे, ताकि ग्वार पर ताज़ा अपडेट के नए YOUTUBE विडियो आपको समय पर मिलते रहे l

क्या 2019-20 में ग्वार की खेती किसानों के लिए फायदेमंद रहेगी ?

क्या 2019-20 में ग्वार की खेती  किसानों  के लिए फायदेमंद रहेगी ?? l इसके बारे में पूरी जानकारी के लिए पूरा YOUTUBE विडियो देखे l

ग्वार व ग्वार गम पर ज्यादा जानकारी के YOUTUBE के चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करे, ताकि ग्वार पर ताज़ा अपडेट के नए YOUTUBE विडियो आपको समय पर मिलते रहे l

Why are Guar gum prices not getting support from strong crude oil price ?

Currently crude oil prices are strong in international market due to increasing conflict between Iran and USA. In recent development USA has put strict restrictions on buying of crude oil from IRAN. Supply of crude oil has become tight with current geopolitics over Venezuela and Iran. Currently crude oil is being traded around USD 72/ Barrel. There are possibilities that crude oil prices may go up further with increasing tension in oil producing regions.

Even though crude oil prices and export of guar gum both are increasing but Guar gum and guar seed prices are not getting enough support from these two positive factors. Export of Guar products is shifting from Guar gum to Guar korma. Increasing Guar korma export is good for gaur industry to support guar prices at lower side, but export of Guar gum is very important to keep the prices strong at upper side.

Why are Guar gum prices not getting support from strong crude oil price ?, Guar, guar gum, guar price, guar gum price, guar demand, guar gum demand, guar seed production, guar seed stock, guar seed consumption, guar gum cultivation, guar gum cultivation in india, Guar gum farming, guar gum export from india , guar seed export, guar gum export, guar gum farming, guar gum cultivation consultancy, today guar price, today guar gum price, ग्वार, ग्वार गम, ग्वार मांग, ग्वार गम निर्यात 2018-2019, ग्वार गम निर्यात -2019, ग्वार उत्पादन, ग्वार कीमत, ग्वार गम मांग, Guar Gum, Guar seed, guar , guar gum, guar gum export from india, guar gum export to USA, guar demand USA, guar future price, guar future demand, guar production 2019, guar gum demand 2019

Indian gaur gum exporters are focused only on demand from oil and natural gas industry. Demand from oil and natural gas industry is highly competitive and volatile. Exporter must focus on demand from other than oil and natural gas industry. Demand from oil and natural gas industry in becoming very risky for whole Guar gum industry. Food and industrial demand is very important. It is stable and long term.

Now guar prices will keep roaming between INR 4000-5000/100Kg . Strong demand of Guar korma will not let the guar prices fall below INR 4000/Kg. Sluggish demand of guar gum from oil and natural gas industry will not let it go higher than INR 5000/100 Kg. This will remain primary limit till new crop will arrive in market in Nobember-2019. Fresh sowing of Guar crop and arrival of monsoon will set new limit of price movement. Even in worst case guar prices will not go below 4000/100Kg at lower side. 

Since there is no any other alternate crop to guar in rain fed area so guar sowing area will not fall freely. Farmers will go for Guar cultivation in rain fed area. If water will available in irrigation canal in sufficient quantity then farmers will go for cotton crop in irrigated area. Otherwise farmer may do the sowing of guar in irrigated area. 

Few multinational companies are collecting data from farmer and guar growing area in pretext to doing CSR project on Guar. These companies are end user of the guar gum in bulk quantity. These companies are using these data to run the guar busindustry with the help of their Indian partners. In next step these companies will force farmers to sell their produce as per profit and loss of the company. Farmers must keep themselves away from these companies in long term.

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कच्चे तेल की तेज़ी से क्या ग्वार के भाव 5000 से ऊपर जायेंगे ?

कच्चे तेल की तेज़ी से क्या ग्वार के भाव 5000 से ऊपर जायेंगे ? l इसके बारे में पूरी जानकारी के लिए पूरा YOUTUBE विडियो देखे l

ग्वार व ग्वार गम पर ज्यादा जानकारी के YOUTUBE के चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करे, ताकि ग्वार पर ताज़ा अपडेट के नए YOUTUBE विडियो आपको समय पर मिलते रहे l

Guar export has increased by 14.27% in year 2018-2019

As per the data released by APEDA and Agriculture ministry, total export of guar products from April-2018 to March-2019 is 5,13,218 MT, which is 64,093 MT higher than last year. Last year export of guar gum was 4, 49,125 MT. This is positive news for the guar farmers and guar gum exporters that guar products export has increased by 14.27%. This year Guar has generated the foreign exchange of 675 Million USD or equal to 4707 Crore Indian rupees. 

Guar is third largest exportable agriculture commodity after Basmati Rice, Normal Rice and Meat. Other agriculture commodities consume a lot of resources like water, electricity, land, farm inputs. These agriculture commodities also consume financial assistance and subsidy from Govt. Guar is totally different from it. Guar is a rainfed crop cultivated in dry area. Guar doesn’t consume any natural resources and it is not depended on Govt subsidy. 

Guar export has increased by 14.27% in year 2018-2019, Guar, guar gum, guar price, guar gum price, guar demand, guar gum demand, guar seed production, guar seed stock, guar seed consumption, guar gum cultivation, guar gum cultivation in india, Guar gum farming, guar gum export from india , guar seed export, guar gum export, guar gum farming, guar gum cultivation consultancy, today guar price, today guar gum price, ग्वार, ग्वार गम, ग्वार मांग, ग्वार गम निर्यात 2018-2019, ग्वार गम निर्यात -2019, ग्वार उत्पादन, ग्वार कीमत, ग्वार गम मांग, Guar Gum, Guar seed, guar , guar gum, guar gum export from india, guar gum export to USA, guar demand USA, guar future price, guar future demand, guar production 2019, guar gum demand 2019

Guar has emerged as major exportable commodity. But farmers are not benefiting due to volatility in commodities markets and speculations. As per the available data Guar is being exported at USD 1315/MT or INR 91/Kg, while farmers are getting INR 40-43 /Kg for their guar in current guar production cycle. 

There was landing of Feni cyclone in Orisa. As per metrological experts there will be no effect of FENI cyclone on arrival of monsoon. If arrival of monsoon remains normal and timely then there are possibilities that guar cultivation area will shrink. Farmer may opt other Kharif pulses crop for sowing due to lower prices of Guar in recent years. 

The farmers who want to go for Guar sowing should do a soil turning deep ploughing of their farm in May and June month. Soil born disease will be controlled with the help of deep ploughing. If there was attack of root rot disease in previous crop then don’t plan for guar sowing in same plot/patch of farm. Farmers should buy or book their seed in advance. Please buy the Bavistin / carbendazim for seed treatment against fungal disease. 

There is pressure of good Monsoon on Guar prices. Arrival of Guar in market is approximately nil. There will be demand of Guar in current month as Guar sowing seed. There will total demand of 30,000-35000 MT as seed. Guar prices are around INR 4300/100Kg and guar gum prices are around 8900/100kg in local market.