Demand of Guar gum for oil drilling in USA is increasing

Crude Oil production in USA is increasing regularly and in the month of November Crude oil production in USA is historic all-time high. In the month of November domestic crude oil Production is 11.7 Million Barrels per Day. USA is emerged as largest oil producer of world after Russia and Saudi Arabia. Export of Crude oil from USA is less than 3% percent of global export. It si expected that USA will increase the share of its crude oil export. Its is good sign for Indian guar gum industry that crude oil production in USA is increasing and USA uses fracking technology for crude oil production. Guar gum is used in bulk quantity in hydraulic fracturing for oil drilling.

Active rig count in USA in also higher than previous year. On 21 November there was 1079 rigs in USA which were 156 more than previous year. Oil rig count isn major scale for drilling industry and its input supplier. Active rig count is an active demand indicator for product used in new drilling, completing, producing and processing of hydrocarbon. 

Demand of Guar gum for oil drilling in USA is increasing, Guar, guar gum, Guar gum price, Guar gum export,  guar gum news, NCDEX guar gum price, Guar gum report, guar seed production, guar gum consultant, guar seed export, guar gum export from india 2017-2018 , guar, guar gum, guar gum news, Guar gum export-2017-2018, Guar gum export-from India during 2017-2018, Guar gum export data -2017-2018, Guar gum rate , NCDEX guar gum price,  guar gum export-2017, guar gum export-2018, guar gum demand-2017, guar gum demand-2018, guar gum production, guar gum cultivation, guar gum cultivation consultancy, Guar, guar gum, guar price, guar gum price, guar demand, guar gum demand guar seed production, guar seed stock, guar seed consumption, guar gum cultivation, guar gum cultivation in india, Guar gum farming, guar gum export from india, Fundamentally Guar seed and guar gum are very strong , Guar, guar gum, guar price, guar gum price, guar demand, guar gum demand, guar seed production, guar seed stock, guar seed consumption, guar gum cultivation, guar gum cultivation in india, Guar gum farming, guar gum export from india , guar seed export, guar gum export, guar gum farming, guar gum cultivation consultancy, today guar price, today guar gum price, ग्वार, ग्वार गम, ग्वार मांग, ग्वार गम निर्यात 2018-2019, ग्वार गम निर्यात -2019, ग्वार उत्पादन, ग्वार कीमत, ग्वार गम मांग, Guar Gum

Export demand of Guar gum is high currently. Continuously it is increasing than previous years. Demand of Guar Churi Korma is also high in market. Export of Guar Churi Korma is also on peak. Arrival of guar in market is going down. Most of guar has been settled either with processors or stockist. Availability of guar will be very limited in coming days. USD/INR exchange rate is also coming down. Exporters have to pay more for the local procurement and processing in calculation of USD. 

Guar seed and Guar gum commodities are being traded strong on physical markets due to strong buying at lower levels. Prices of Guar seed and Guar gum both are quoted strong . Forward contracts of Guar seed and Guar gum are also strong due to buying at lower levels. Good quality of guar seed is traded at Rs 4400/100Kg and average quality guar seed is traded at Rs 4300/100 Kg. Standard quality guar gum is traded at Rs 9000/100 kg. In interior location, guar seed is traded up to 4200/100 Kg. Guar seed is being traded strong in the future market. At NCDEX (National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Ltd) guar seed-10MT is closed at Rs 4311, 4362, 4410 higher by 1.5 percent or INR 63.5/100 Kg, 1.52 percent or INR 65.5/100, 0.96 percent or INR 42/100 with open interest of 79930, 74910, 2060 for December, January and February month contracts. 

Guar gum is being traded strong in the future market. At NCDEX (National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Ltd) Guar gum- 5MT closed at Rs 8717, 8826, 8965 higher by 2.36 percent or Rs 201/100Kg, 2.07 percent or Rs 179/100, 1.05 percent or Rs 93/100 with an open interest of 23325, 53645, 660 for December, January and February month contracts.

Export of Guar gum from India has increased

As per the data released by the APEDA (Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority) export of Guar gum is higher than previous year. This year export of guar gum from April,18 to Sep,18 is 2,65,195 MT. Last year for the same period, guar gum export was 2,52,868 MT. This year there is 12327 MT more guar gum export. In monetary term value of exported guar gum is INR 24,30,00,00,000 or 355 Million USD. Export value of exported guar gum is 19% higher than previous year in Indian Rupees and 12 % higher than previous year in USD.

Export of Guar gum is increasing continuously than previous years. Global crude oil production is increasing. USA has emerged as top crude oil producing country in world. Guar gum powder is used in oil well drilling for crude oil production. As per market men this year production of guar seed is lesser than previous years. Arrival of guar seed is going down in the market. By the end of December arrival of guar seed will be almost finished. Traders are buying the guar seed in market as per market price. There is no over supply of guar seed in market. Demand of Guar korma is high in market that’s why guar gum prices are lower. Prices of Guar seed and guar gum were under pressure of profit booking at upper level. November month contract for guar seed and guar gum in NCDEX was settled around 20 November. Now guar seed and Guar gum are traded for December month contract in commodity market. 

Export of Guar gum from India has increased, Guar, guar gum, Guar gum price, Guar gum export,  guar gum news, NCDEX guar gum price, Guar gum report, guar seed production, guar gum consultant, guar seed export, guar gum export from india 2017-2018 , guar, guar gum, guar gum news, Guar gum export-2017-2018, Guar gum export-from India during 2017-2018, Guar gum export data -2017-2018, Guar gum rate , NCDEX guar gum price,  guar gum export-2017, guar gum export-2018, guar gum demand-2017, guar gum demand-2018, guar gum production, guar gum cultivation, guar gum cultivation consultancy, Guar, guar gum, guar price, guar gum price, guar demand, guar gum demand guar seed production, guar seed stock, guar seed consumption, guar gum cultivation, guar gum cultivation in india, Guar gum farming, guar gum export from india, Fundamentally Guar seed and guar gum are very strong , Guar, guar gum, guar price, guar gum price, guar demand, guar gum demand, guar seed production, guar seed stock, guar seed consumption, guar gum cultivation, guar gum cultivation in india, Guar gum farming, guar gum export from india , guar seed export, guar gum export, guar gum farming, guar gum cultivation consultancy, today guar price, today guar gum price, ग्वार, ग्वार गम, ग्वार मांग, ग्वार गम निर्यात 2018-2019, ग्वार गम निर्यात -2019, ग्वार उत्पादन, ग्वार कीमत, ग्वार गम मांग, Guar Gum

Guar seed and Guar gum commodities are being quoted weak in local markets due to trimming the positions at upper levels in forward market markets. Prices of Guar seed and Guar gum both are quoted weak. Future trading of Guar seed and Guar gum are also weak due to weak guar gum prices. Good quality of guar seed is traded at Rs 4400/100Kg and average quality guar seed is traded at Rs 4300/100 Kg. Standard quality guar gum is traded at Rs 9000/100 kg. In interior location, guar seed is traded up to 4200/100 Kg. Guar seed is being traded upward in the future market. At NCDEX (National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Ltd) guar seed-10MT closed at Rs 4472, 4531 higher by 1.02 percent or INR 45/100 Kg, 0.87 percent or INR 39/100 with open interest of 122420, 38200 for December and January month contracts.

Guar gum is being traded in upward side in the future market. At NCDEX (National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Ltd) Guar gum- 5MT closed at Rs 9156, 9300 higher by 1.51 percent or Rs 136/100Kg, 1.32 percent or Rs 121/100 with an open interest of 61045, 1135 for December and January month contracts.

ग्वार व ग्वार गम के भावों में तेज़ी कच्चे तेल के बढ़ते उत्पादन के कारण बनी रहेगी

नवम्बर के आखिर सप्ताह में ग्वार व ग्वार गम के भावों में तेज़ी दर्ज की गयी थी । लेकिन पिछले सप्ताह में कच्चे तेल की गिरती हुई कीमतों के कारण ग्वार व ग्वार गम के भावों काफी गिरावट देखी गयी। कमोडिटी बाज़ार में शुक्रवार शाम तक कच्चे तेल के बढ़ते हुए उत्पादन के कारण ग्वार व ग्वार गम भावों में वापिस तेज़ी देखी गयी । शुक्रवार को ग्वार व ग्वार गम का व्यापार काफी मजबूती के साथ बंद हुआ। अमेरिका व ओपेक के बाकी देशों ने कच्चे तेल के उत्पादन को ईरान पर लगने वाले प्रतिबन्ध से पहले, कच्चे तेल की उपलब्धता बनाये रखने के लिए बढ़ा दिया है । जिससे की ईरान पर लगाने वाले प्रतिबन्ध के बाद बाकी देश कच्चे तेल के आयत को मांग के अनुसार जारी रख सके व कच्चे तेल की उपलबध्ता मांग के अनुसार बनी रहे ।अमेरिका का तेल उत्पादन फ्रेकिंग तकनीक पर आधारित है। जिसमे ग्वार गम भरी मात्रा काम में लिया जाता है। अक्टूबर के महीने में ओपेक देशों ने 3.3 करोड़ बैरल प्रतिदिन के हिसाब से कच्चे तेल का उत्पादन किया है । जो की दिसम्बरः 2016 के बाद सबसे ज्यादा है । कच्चे तेल की कीमतें ग्वार व ग्वार गम भावों के लिए सबसे महत्वपूर्ण फंडामेंटल कारक है लेकिन सभी परिस्थितियों में इसका प्रभाव एक जैसा नहीं होता । अभी कच्चे तेल की कीमतें बढे हुए उत्पादन की वजह से घट रही है । कच्चे तेल की मांग बाज़ार में अभी भी ज्यादा बनी हुई है । 

ग्वार सिर्फ एक तरह के प्रयोग में लाये जाने वाला कृषि उत्पाद नहीं है। यह एक बहुउद्देश्यी कृषि उत्पाद है । आने वाले भविष्य में ग्वार की मांग किसी भी उद्योग से बढ़ सकती है। तेल व प्राकृत गैस उत्पादन उद्योग ग्वार का उपयोग जारी रखेंगे । अभी अमेरिका व भारत के बीच में व्यापारिक मनमुटाव चल रहा है जिसके चलते अमेरिका ने भारत से मंगाई जाने 50 उत्पादों को ड्यूटी फ्री से बाहर कर के ड्यूटी लगा दी है । इस लिस्ट में ज्यादातर कृषि उत्पाद है । व्यापारिक मनमुटाव से भविष्य में ग्वार का निर्यात भी प्रभावित हो सकता है। खाद्य उत्पाद में काम में लिए जाने वाले ग्वार की मांग जारी है । ग्वार चुरी व ग्वार कोरमा की कीमतें अभी अपने उच्च स्तर पर बनी हई है।

ग्वार व ग्वार गम के भावों में तेज़ी कच्चे तेल के बढ़ते उत्पादन के कारण बनी रहेगी , Guar, guar gum, Guar gum price, Guar gum export,  guar gum news, NCDEX guar gum price, Guar gum report, guar seed production, guar gum consultant, guar seed export, guar gum export from india 2017-2018 , guar, guar gum, guar gum news, Guar gum export-2017-2018, Guar gum export-from India during 2017-2018, Guar gum export data -2017-2018, Guar gum rate , NCDEX guar gum price,  guar gum export-2017, guar gum export-2018, guar gum demand-2017, guar gum demand-2018, guar gum production, guar gum cultivation, guar gum cultivation consultancy, Guar, guar gum, guar price, guar gum price, guar demand, guar gum demand guar seed production, guar seed stock, guar seed consumption, guar gum cultivation, guar gum cultivation in india, Guar gum farming, guar gum export from india, Fundamentally Guar seed and guar gum are very strong , Guar, guar gum, guar price, guar gum price, guar demand, guar gum demand, guar seed production, guar seed stock, guar seed consumption, guar gum cultivation, guar gum cultivation in india, Guar gum farming, guar gum export from india , guar seed export, guar gum export, guar gum farming, guar gum cultivation consultancy, today guar price, today guar gum price, ग्वार, ग्वार गम, ग्वार मांग, ग्वार गम निर्यात 2018-2019, ग्वार गम निर्यात -2019, ग्वार उत्पादन, ग्वार कीमत, ग्वार गम मांग, guar seed, Guar Gum   Guarkernmehl, Guarkernmehl (Guar Samen) Anbau-Beratung in Deutschland, Guarkernmehl Samen (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) Anbau / Landwirtschaft / Agrarwirtschaft Beratung in Deutschland, guat bhav in future, Gum seed production, Guma guar, Guma guar (nasiona Guar) uprawy Consultancy Polska,Türkiye ye Guar sakız (Guar tohum) tarım danışmanlığı, What does " Crude Going Down " means?, which rose for a third consecutive week ??, Why Guar seed and Guar Gum is going up ? Is it real of speculative ? Guar seed, Will Guar seed and Guar Gum prices, Will Guar seed and Guar gum prices improve with Global Crude oil prices, Wilt / Root Rot, κόμμι γκουάρ Guargummi 瓜爾豆膠, Гуаровая камедь, Гуаровая камедь (гуаровая семян) культивирование консультирование в России, Кизельгура (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) консультации по выращивание семян в России, Смоли іонообмінні (відповідно насіння) вирощування консультування в Україні, מסטיק Guar (Guar הזרע) ייעוץ הטיפוח בישראל, الاستشارات زراعة Guar اللثة (Guar البذور), صمغ گوار (دانه گوار) کشت مشاوره ايران, गवार गम, ग्वार, ग्वार का निर्यात, ग्वार / ग्वार गम के भाव, ग्वार का उत्पादन, ग्वार का भाव, ग्वार की मांग, ग्वार के भाव, ग्वार गम, ग्वार गम एक्सपर्ट, ग्वार गम का निर्यात, ग्वार गम का उत्पादन, ग्वार गम का निर्यात, ग्वार गम का भाव, ग्वार गम की डिमांड, ग्वार गम की डिमांड व निर्यात, ग्वार गम की मांग, ग्वार गम के भाव, ग्वार गम निर्यात, ग्वार गम भाव, ग्वार गम मांग, ग्वार गम समाचार, ग्वार भाव, ग्वार मंडी भाव, ग्वार मांग, ग्वार समाचार, मांग व निर्यात, 瓜尔豆胶 (瓜尔豆种子) 栽培顾问在中国

इस साल ग्वार के उत्पादन के अनुमान पिछले सालो से कम है । बाज़ार के जानकार 60-70 लाख बोरी ( 100 किलो प्रति बोरी ) का उत्पादन मान एक चल रहे है । जो की पुरे साल की मांग के लिए प्रयाप्त नहीं है । दीवाली के समय पर ग्वार मांग अभी कम ही रहेगी । ज्यादातर फैक्ट्री में काम करने वाले दीवाली की छुट्टियों पर घर चले जाते है । दीवाली के समय होने कारण ग्वार की आवक भी बाज़ार में कम रहेगी । ग्वार की व्यापारिक गतिविधियां दीवाली की छुट्टियों के बाद बढ़ेगी । ग्वार की आवक बाज़ार में अभी भी कम ही है। बाज़ार में सट्टेबाज़ी सक्रिय है हाज़िर माल पर पकड़ बनाये रखे । व्यापारिक गतिविधि बढ़ने के साथ कीमते वापस चढ़ेगी । कमोडिटी बाज़ार में दिसम्बर महीने के चालू सौदों की संख्या में बढ़ोतरी रही है जो की एक अच्छा संकेत है । 

कच्चे तेल के बढ़ाते उत्पादन के कारण ग्वार व ग्वार गम दोनों कमोडिटी के भाव में तेज़ी बनी हुयी है । ऊँचे भावों पर हाज़िर माक के सौदों के कारण अगले सप्ताह भी ग्वार व ग्वार भावों में तेज़ी बनी रहेगी। अच्छी गुणवत्ता ग्वार 4600 रुपये प्रति क्विंटल के आस पास बिक रहा है । औसत गुणवत्ता वाला ग्वार 4500 रुपये प्रति क्विंटल के भाव में बिक रहा है। बाज़ार में मानक गुणवत्ता वाली ग्वार गम 10150 रुपये प्रति क्विंटल के भाव है । अंदरूनी इलाकों में ग्वार का भाव 4400 रुपये प्रति क्विंटल के आस पास है । वायदा बाज़ार में ग्वार के कारोबार में तेज़ी के साथ बंद हुआ । एनसीडीईएक्स (नेशनल कमोडिटी एंड डेरिवेटिव्स एक्सचेंज लिमिटेड) में ग्वार बीज -10 एमटी के सौदे का कारोबार क्रमशः नवम्बर , दिसंबर व जनवरी माह के लिए 1.74 फीसदी या रूपये 79/100 किलो, 1.95 फीसदी या रुपये 90.5/100 किलो, 2.12 फीसदी या रुपये 99.5/100 किलो तेज़ी के साथ क्रमशः 4630, 4725, 4796 रुपये प्रति क्विंटल के भाव पर 58880, 109410, 7240 खड़े सौदों के साथ व्यवसाय बंद हुआ। 

वायदा बाज़ार में ग्वार गम का कारोबार भी तेज़ी के साथ बंद हुआ । एनसीडीईएक्स (नेशनल कमोडिटी एंड डेरिवेटिव्स एक्सचेंज लिमिटेड) में ग्वार गम 5 एमटी के सौदे का कारोबार नवम्बर, दिसंबर व जनवरी महीने के लिए 2.07 प्रतिशत या 206 रुपये /100 किलो, 2.06 प्रतिशत या रुपये 208/100 किलोग्राम, 2.4 प्रतिशत या रुपये 245/100 किलोग्राम तेज़ी के साथ 15680, 61400, 1215 खड़े सौदों के साथ कारोबार चालू है।

Guar and guar gum weakened with falling crude oil price

Last week was very good for guar seed and guar gum prices but in this week prices of guar seed and guar gum has fallen with falling crude oil prices. That is just a sentimental factor. USA and OPEC have increased the crude oil production before the sanction on IRAN. Increase in production of crude oil will continue so that countries can cut the oil import from IRAN and supply of crude oil can be normal after sanction on IRAN. Oil production in USA is based on fracking technology and guar gum is used in fracking technology. 15 OPEC countries produced more than 33.3 million barrel per day of crude oil in October month which is highest after month December-2016. Crude oil prices are fundamental factors for guar seed and guar gum industry, but it should not be considered same in all situations. Currently crude oil prices are decreasing due to increased oil production. Demand of crude oil is still very high. 

Guar in not a single used commodity. Guar is multi use commodity. Future demand of guar gum may arise from any industry. Oil and Natural Gas industry will keep using Guar gum in crude oil production. There is trade dispute between USA and India. Recently USA has removed 50 Indian products from duty free GSP list most of them are agricultural products. Demand of Food grade guar gum is regular. Prices of Guar Churi/ Guar Korma is good and it is maintaining the higher levels. 

Guar and guar gum weakened with falling  crude oil price, Guar, guar gum, Guar gum price, Guar gum export,  guar gum news, NCDEX guar gum price, Guar gum report, guar seed production, guar gum consultant, guar seed export, guar gum export from india 2017-2018 , guar, guar gum, guar gum news, Guar gum export-2017-2018, Guar gum export-from India during 2017-2018, Guar gum export data -2017-2018, Guar gum rate , NCDEX guar gum price,  guar gum export-2017, guar gum export-2018, guar gum demand-2017, guar gum demand-2018, guar gum production, guar gum cultivation, guar gum cultivation consultancy, Guar, guar gum, guar price, guar gum price, guar demand, guar gum demand guar seed production, guar seed stock, guar seed consumption, guar gum cultivation, guar gum cultivation in india, Guar gum farming, guar gum export from india, Fundamentally Guar seed and guar gum are very strong , Guar, guar gum, guar price, guar gum price, guar demand, guar gum demand, guar seed production, guar seed stock, guar seed consumption, guar gum cultivation, guar gum cultivation in india, Guar gum farming, guar gum export from india , guar seed export, guar gum export, guar gum farming, guar gum cultivation consultancy, today guar price, today guar gum price, ग्वार, ग्वार गम, ग्वार मांग, ग्वार गम निर्यात 2018-2019, ग्वार गम निर्यात -2019, ग्वार उत्पादन, ग्वार कीमत, ग्वार गम मांग, Guar Gum

This year production guar seed is estimated lower than previous years. Marketman are estimating the production of guar seed around 60 - 70 Lakh (6-7 Million) bags (100 Kg each). That is insufficient for current year demand of guar seed. Demand of guar seed will remain weak in this week due to Diwali season. Guar gum processing factory staff will be on Diwali holidays. Arrival of guar will be also poor as farmers are busy in festival. Guar seed and guar gum Business activities will increase after Diwali week (after 11th November). Supply is still poor in market. Speculators are active in market. Keep hold on physical stock and positions of guar and guar gum . Guar seed and guar gum prices will bounce back with increased business transaction. Volume of November transaction is coming down but volume of December month contract is increasing in commodity market that is good sign. 

Guar seed and Guar gum commodities are being quoted weak in local markets due to falling prices in commodities markets. Prices of Guar seed and Guar gum both are quoted weak. Future trading of Guar seed and Guar gum are also weak due to falling crude oil prices. Good quality of guar seed is traded at Rs 4600/100Kg and average quality guar seed is traded at Rs 4500/100 Kg. Standard quality guar gum is traded at Rs 10300/100 kg. In interior location, guar seed is traded up to 4300/100 Kg. Guar seed is being traded downward in the future market. At NCDEX (National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Ltd) guar seed-10MT closed at Rs 4548, 4635, 4693 lower by 0.07 percent or INR 3/100 Kg, 0.02 percent or INR 1/100, 0.07 percent or INR 3.5/100 Kg with open interest of 66020, 104260, 6430 for November, December and January month contracts. 

Guar gum is also being traded weak in the future market. At NCDEX (National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Ltd) Guar gum- 5MT is being closed at Rs 9920,10080, 10200 lower by 0.14 percent or Rs 14/100Kg, 0.12 percent or Rs 12/100, 0.42 percent or Rs 43/100 with an open interest of 17980, 58580, 1135 for November,December and January month contracts.