As per data released by Agriculture department Rajasthan Guar seed (Cluster bean- Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) sowing has completed on 2,52,100 Hectare area. This year Agriculture department Rajasthan has targeted Gaur sowing on 31,00,000 Hectare Area. Till 2nd July, 2019, 8.1 % sowing of targeted guar cultivation has completed. Due to poor return in previous years Farmers will switch to other kharif crops instead of guar. During the same period of last year (Kharif 2018-19) guar sowing was completed on 3,73,600 hectare
Monsoon has delayed in Rajasthan. Till now deficit rainfall has recorded in Guar growing belt of Gujarat, Rajasthan and Haryana. As per meteorological department monsoon will active after 7th July, 2019. Delay in monsoon will lead to poor sowing and damage of existing guar crop. Major production of Guar comes from rainfed area of Rajasthan. Poor and deficient rainfall will cause poor production and poor quality of guar crop.
By the end of this week rainfall will cover entire guar growing belt. Farmers is rainfed area will go for guar sowing after Bajara ( Pearlmillet- Pennisetum glaucum) and kharif pulses. Sowing of guar will be limited in the rain fed area. Though Guar is good crop but farmer prefers it as low opportunity crop in irrigated belt. Guar is an export oriented crop, having many chemical and physical properties useful for many industries. Poor R&D and competitive business practices by Indian guar gum industries are dispersing the profit out of India.
Though it seems that guar has given return of 20% - 25 % this year but it was a loss making as at the time of arrival prices were high and after that prices fell down and didn’t recovered to same level. Farmer & trader were expecting guar prices above 5000 level. This year, guar didn’t cross 5000 level. Crude oil price is considered as major fundamental for Guar, but this year guar prices didn’t follow the same path of crude oil prices.
In this week NCDEX guar seed prices are INR 4302/Quintal for 19th July contract. BSE guar seed prices for 31th July contract are INR 4357/Quintal; NCDEX spot prices are INR 4350/Quintal. NCDEX guar gum prices are INR 8610/Quintal for 19th July contract. BSE guar gum prices for 31th July contract are INR 8739/Quintal, NCDEX spot prices are INR 8725/Quintal. In local physical markets (Mandi) guar seed prices are INR 4400/Quintal and guar gum prices are INR 8800/Quintal.
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