Guar ( Gum ) Cultivation and Its Importance.

Guar ( Gum) Cultivation is the one of the hot topic to be discuss among the farmers, traders, exporters. Guar is a rainfed crop, which is being cultivated in Rajasthan ( India) and Neighboring Pakistan. In the Year 2012 the guar commodity and its derivatives seen an unexpected price rise which was ten time more than the regular price. The crop became popular throughout the world. Guar seed and Guar gum was an attraction for rest of the world.

Guar ( Gum ) Cultivation and Its Importance.

People find a close relationship between Guar and Energy. The Guar gum powder is used as thickener agent or gelling agent in the hydraulic fracturing process to develop the oil field for the natural gas released from the shale formation.

The sudden price rise was a imbalance in between the demand and supply. The oil field service provider company deviated from the regular process of guar gum demand and started to give the bulk order to the manufacturer and stocking the guar gum powder as annual stock. Guar gum is a rain fed crop and grown in the defined area, which is easy to manipulate. The forward market worked as fuel in fire the forward contracts were going up and up. The prices in spot market also increased in the same way of forward market. The speculation and stocking activity made it more explosive. When the things were not in control govt immediately put ban on the forward trading of the Guar Gum.

Guar, Guar Gum, Gum Guar became favorite topic to discuss among the farmers. The major focus was on gaur cultivation or Guar gum cultivation or Gum Guar cultivation. There was no any depth research on Guar by the agriculture universities or research institutes.

Guar is a normal rainfed crop which is grown in the summer season. It require moisture in environment and well drainage soil for the cultivation. Normally it can be grown in the temperature range of 22-45 degree Centigrade. Mostly the crop are taken in two seasons March to May and June to October.

Normally it is grown on rainwater but if there is no rain at time it is advised to give irrigation. Normally it require 3-4 irrigation for the complete crop cycle. Please avoid the problematic water.

There are several varieties available in market but all the varieties are selection varieties only. You can choose any variety as per your requirement like vegetable purpose, standing varieties, maturity time, high yielding varieties. some famous varieties are RGC 1002, RGC1066, HG-365, RGC-936, RGC-986. These varieties are developed by the Govt Institutes. Other than the above some privates companies are also selling there seeds Normally farmers use the produce of the last crops as seeds.  it require around 16-20 kg seeds per hactacre.

Normally the crop mature with in 90-120 days, it depends on different factors like variety, climatic condition, water availability. It doesn't require the Nitrogen as fertilizer, the application of phosphate is considered good for the yield.

The crop mature in the month of October November, which can be harvested after drying the crop or let the crop dry after harvesting. Bacterial Blight and Root rot are major disease which can cause loss in the crop.

In the Normal condition crop gives production around 15-18 Qt/ Hactare.

Though Gaur is a rain fed crop but with the help of advance agriculture practices. We can take good production

Guar is also used a fodder crop. The fodder of Gaur is nutritive in nature. The crop is also used as green pod production which is used as green vegetable. The crop also improves the soil condition. The crop is also used as green manure to improve the soil fertility.

There is no any severe attack of the Insect Pest on the storage guar. It can be easily stored for two three year with any insect pest management.

The gaur seeds are used for processing of Gaur Split and Guar gum. The gaur gum is used in various industries in different form. The by product of the gaur gum industries is used as cattle feed.  The by product like Guar Korma and Guar Meal are Rich in the Protein and good for the cattle feed.


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