Guar seed ( Guar Gum) Cultivation in India is increasing day by day. Guar is a multipurpose crop. Its green pods are used as vegetable, grains as pulse and green plants as fodder and for soil manuring purpose. Since it is a leguminous crop, it also has soil enriching and erosion resisting properties. This booklet describes the scientific cultivation of guar including varieties, nutrient requirement, plant protection measures, economics of cultivation, etc, in detail.
Varieties of' guar for different regions
Guar seed ( Guar Gum) Cultivation in India is increasing day by day. Guar is a multipurpose crop. Its green pods are used as vegetable, grains as pulse and green plants as fodder and for soil manuring purpose. Since it is a leguminous crop, it also has soil enriching and erosion resisting properties. This booklet describes the scientific cultivation of guar including varieties, nutrient requirement, plant protection measures, economics of cultivation, etc, in detail.
I. Introduction
Guar (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba)
has been grown in India since ancient time for vegetables and fodder purposes.
At present it is grown more for mucilaginous gum production. The presence of a
number of wild relatives of guar in Africa suggests that it was most probably
originated in Africa. In India, it is grown in Rajasthan, Gujarat, Haryana,
Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Orissa. Guar plant produces a cluster
of flowers, therefore, it is also known as cluster bean. Its taproot system is
well developed. Therefore, it is also popular as drought hardy plant and can
survive better under comparatively dry conditions.
II. Climate
Guar is a photosensitive crop. It grows
in specific climatic condition, which ensure a soil temperature around 25°C for
proper germination, long photo-period, with humid air during its growth period
and finally short photo-period with cool dry air at flowering and pod
formation. Accordingly, it is definitely a kharif season crop in North India,
but some varieties have been found to grow during March to June as spring-
summer crop and other varieties grow during July to November as rainy season
crop under South Indian climatic conditions. It is a crop preferring warm
climate and grows well in the subtropics during summer.
It also grows well in arid zone with 30
-40 cm rainfall. Heavy rains, producing waterlogged condition or more compact
soils disturb its root system with surface feeding nature and reduce nitrogen
fixing bacterial activity.
III. Soil
The guar crop prefers a well drained
sandy loam soil. It can tolerate saline and moderately alkaline soils with pH
ranging between 7.5 and 8.0. Heavy clay soils, poor in nodulation and bacterial
activities, are not suitable for this crop.
Soils with medium to light
constituents, without excessive moisture, are suitable for its cultivation.
Even soils with poor fertility and depleted plant nutrients are suitable for
growing Guar as a green manure crop. Pasture lands receiving little care can
also be used for growing guar mixed with grasses.
IV. Varieties
The guar varieties developed recently,
focus on plant characters which determine grain production or vegetable pod
production or green fodder yield and quality. Some of them are described below.
1. Durgapur Safed
It is a selection from the local
variety and is recommended for Rajasthan legion. It is an early maturing
variety and takes about 105 days to mature. It is mainly grown for grain
production. Its grains are suitable for gum (30%) extraction. Seeds are medium
bold with buff colour. It yields about 15 quintals of grains per hectare. It is
susceptible to diseases like leaf spot and bacterial blight.
2. FS-277
This variety is recommended for growing
in Punjab, Haryana, Delhi and Uttar Pradesh. It has wide adaptability and can
be grown under rainfed or irrigated condition for grain or green fodder
purposes. It matures in about 130 days. Its p1ants are single stemmed and tall
growing producing flowers profusely at alter- nate nodes. Seeds are white in
colour containing about 30-32% gum. It produces about 1.9 quintals of dry
grains per hectare or a yield of 300 quintals green fodder can be expected from
this variety under irrigated conditions.
3. Ageta Guara-111
It is a selection from advanced
generation of hybridization between guar strain no 235 and FS-277. It has a
special character of early maturity and matures in about 95 days. Plants of
this variety are dwarf, loaded with clusters of completely filled pods at each node.
This variety under favourable conditions can yield about 30 quintals of grains
per hectare. It is recommended for Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and
Rajasthan. Its seeds are gray in colour, small in size with 30.76% gum. The
variety is susceptible to diseases like leaf spot and bacterial blight.
4. Guar No.2
This variety is recommended for all the
states of the northern India. It can be grown under rainfed as well as
irrigated conditions. It is primarily grown for green fodder. Its plants are
branched and produce more leaves and tender branches. It yields about 250
quintals of green fodder. If allowed to mature it hardly produces 8-10 quintals
of dry grains.
5. GH-10
This variety has wide adaptability and
can be grown for grain purpose under late sown conditions. It matures in about
130 days. It yields about 18 quintals of dry grain per hectare.
6. HFG-119
It is a late maturing variety with wide
adaptability for North Indian climate. Its plants are erect, branching, tall in
height. Its seeds are gray buff colour. It is grown both for grain as well as
green fodder purposes. It takes more than 13) days to mature. It produces about
350 quintals of green fodder or 16 -18 quintals of dry grain per hectare. Its
seeds are medium bold, containing 30.7% gum.
7. Pusa Sadabahar
This variety is suitable for green pod
production. It is photo-insensitive and grows for longer duration producing
green pods for pretty sufficient period. It can be sown as early as March and
starts producing pods after 45 days of sowing, Plucking of pods continues till
September. It is also suitable for green fodder and green manuring. The
disadvantage with this variety is poor quality of pods. It yields about 60 -70
quintals of green pods per hectare. It is recommended for South India as rain
fed crop.
8. Pusa Mausami
It is recommended for vegetable pod
production in Punjab, Haryana, Delhi and Uttar Pradesh. Its plants are
unbranched, produce slender, attractive, smooth pods of 1.2 cm length. The pods
being non-fibrous are used as vegetable. The first plucking of pods begins 80
days after sowing. This variety can be grown under rainfed as well as irrigated
conditions. It yields' about 50 quintals of green pods per hectare.
9. Pusa Navbahar
This variety has wide adaptability and
can be grown through out .India during rainy season. It is especially popular
for longer and better quality pods in South India. Its plants are unbranched
and produce cluster of pods at each node, which become a harbour for diseases
and pests during rainy season. Its pods are non fibrous. It has a prolonged
period of plucking and yields about 60 quintals of green pods per hectare.
Some important varieties of guar
popular in different regions of India are listed in table -1.
Varieties of' guar for different regions
Northern India
Pusa Navbahar, Pusa Mausami, Pusa Sadabahar, GH-10,
HFG-119, Ageta Guara-111, Guar No.2, FS-277, Durgapur Safed, S-299-7, G-1,
G-2, G-4, HG-12, D-111, D-128, G-429, HG-75, B-17, B-2796, IGFRI-5212
Southern India
Pusa Navbahar, Pusa Sadabahar, GH-10, HFG-119,
Saradbahar, IC 11704, P-28-1, CP-78, S-299-7, IC-11521, IC-11388.
V. Land Preparation
Guar crop requires a well prepared
field, with adequate soil moisture for its seed germination. During early growth
period, soil aeration encourages root development and bacterial growth.
Therefore, field should be ploughed to fine tilth by giving two or three deep
ploughing with soil-turning plough, followed by harrowing and planking. The
field should be free from weeds and other crop residues. Arrangements for
drainage channel-cum-water channel for heavy rain- fall areas or irrigated
areas should be made while preparing the field. The farmyard manure should be
mixed with soil at the time of last ploughing.
VI. Seed and Sowing
The important steps involved in the
sowing of guar are described here.
1. Time of sowing
Summer crop of guar in northern India
is sown in March, while kharif crop in June. For grain crop, the best time of
sowing is during July. Early sowings result in more vegetative growth, lodging
and loss of yield. The best sowing time for fodder crop is April. In Peninsular
India, guar is sown in September. In South India, it is sown at any time
between February to October. Guar sowing time is adjusted to May-June to
increase supply of vegetable pods. Crop sown in June in Haryana and in July in
Punjab gives better production of vegetable pods.
2. Seed rate
Seed rate of guar crop varies from 15
kg to 45 kg per hectare depending upon soil moisture and spacing. About 20 kg
seed per hectare is sufficient for grain crop. Seed rate for crops grown for
fodder or green manuring is about 40 kg per hectare. Seed rate is normally
increased under late sown condition, dry condition, and soil salinity or
alkalinity conditions.
3. Spacing
A spacing of 45 cm between rows and 15
cm, between plants is given for crops grown for grain production. However,
spacing is generally reduced under late sowing and poor soil fertility
conditions. Closer spacing of 30 X 12 cm is provided for fodder crop. A wider
spacing of 60 X 30 cm is desirable for crops grown for green vegetable pod
4. Seed treatment
In humid areas, where there are more
chances of disease out-break, seeds are treated in the following ways.
i. Dry seed is coated with Ceresan or
Thiram at the rate of 3 gm fungicide per kilogram of seed to kill the spores of
fungus resting on the seed coat.
ii. Seed is immersed in hot water at
560 C for 10 minutes and then dried at room temperature before sowing. This
kills all the fungus mycelium and inactivates their spores to spread disease in
the crop.
5. Inoculation of seed ,vith bacterial
Guar plant develops, nodules on its
roots, in which a special kind of bacteria live and convert the free nitrogen
of the atmosphere into a form of fertilizer which is absorbed by the roots of
the plant. This symbiotic relation of the bacteria and root nodules is useful
in saving cost of nitrogenous fertilizers. Therefore, before sowing the seeds
are inoculated with these bacteria so that their population increases in the
soil, with the growth of the plant. This is done by preparing a 10% sugar or
gur solution in boiling water. This sugar solution is allowed to cool. On
cooling 3 -4 packets of guar bacterial culture are mixed with solution to make
a thin paste. This paste is coated over to the seed. Seed is dried under shade
for 30 -40 minutes before sowing.
6. Method of sowing
Seed of guar can be sown by broadcast
method, when. There is sufficient soil moisture during the beginning of the
rainy season. The field is roughly divided into long stripes of convenient
size. The seed is evenly spread by hands over the surface of the field, while
walking through the long stripes of the field. The field is ploughed after
spreading the seed. This method does not ensure proper spacing and creates
problems while hoeing, weeding and removing excessive rain water.
Line sowing with the help of pora
behind the plough or by seed-drill is useful in sowing the seed at proper
spacing and depth. This results in better seed germination. Line sowing is also
useful for carrying out hoeing-weeding and removing excessive rain water.
VII. Manures and Fertilizers
Guar crop needs 10-12 tonnes of well
decomposed farmyard manure, especially when it is being cultivated on poor
sandy soils, or after taking an exhausting crop. This manure is applied a month
before sowing.
Nitrogenous fertilizers are applied
only in small quantity (about 20 kg of nitrogen) because most of nitrogen to
the crop comes from the atmosphere through bacterial action. Phosphatic
fertilizers about 60 kg, potassic 20 kg per hectare along with 20 kg of
nitrogen are applied as basal dose as the time of sowing, with the help of pora
just 4 -5 cm below the seed. Spray the crop with 0.15% solution of sodium
molybdate after 30 days of sowing after the seedling emergence increases the
yield of both fodder and grain.
VIII. Irrigation
The kharif season crop grown during
rainy season as a rule, does not need any irrigation if rains are adequate and
well distributed. If rains are too heavy, the excess water should be drained
off promptly. For dry season crops, irrigation. at fortnightly intervals in the
early summer and at ten days intervals later are given. Normally the crop
requires 4-5 irrigations.
IX. Crop Rotations
Crop rotation is a system of growing
crops in such a way that the same field does not get the same crop year after
year. This helps in controlling diseases and pests of the crop and also in
maintaining soil fertility. A number of crops of the same season like bajra,
guar, cotton, rice, sorghum, sugarcane etc, are put in crop rotation sequence.
Some common crop rotations with guar are given below.
Rice -cotton -guar -bajra
Guar -rice -sorghum
Sorghum -guar -cotton
Cotton -guar -rice -sorghum
The guar for forage is generally grown
mixed with jowar or bajra. This makes a well balanced, nutritious and palatable
feed for cattle. Intercropping guar with other kharif season crops like cotton,
sorghum, maize, etc serve dual purpose. It provides additional and timely
returns and improves the soil fertility for the partner crop. Guar crop can
also be taken as intercrop in sugarcane crop.
XI. Weed Control
Guar field in kharif season is always
full with a number of weed plants, Hoeing and weeding in the initial stages of
plant growth with the help of khurpi, tined harrow reduces the weed-crop
competition and increases soil aeration for bacterial growth. The application
of Basalin at the rate of 1.0 kg a.i. per hectare as pre- planting dose
suppresses the growth of grasses and other weeds.
XII. Disease Contol
The most common diseases of guar are
wilt, bacterial blight, powdery mildew, and anthracnose. These diseases along
with their control measures are described here.
1. Wilt
This disease is caused by Fusarium
monolifonne. The pathogen is soil- borne and, therefore, its damage is of
localized nature. It causes infection to the base of plants including roots and
seedlings. The roots show dis-colouration and plant wilts. Poor emergence of
seedlings is the first symptom of the disease. The seedlings rot before or soon
after emergence.
a. Mixed croping of guar with sorghum
reduces the damage up to 55 per cent.
b. Addition of organic manures also
reduces the disease incidence.
c. Seed treatment with Agrosan GN or
Thiram or Captan at the rate 3 g/kg seed prevents the disease spread during
germination and seedling emergence.
2. Antharacnose
This disease is caused by Colletotncum
capsici. The disease is more severe in high rainfall subtropical to
temperate areas than in tropical areas. The fungus is seed -borne and symptoms
may start as early as in seedling stage. The most characteristic symptoms of
the disease are black, sunken, crater like cankers on the pods, stem or
cotyledons. The lesions remain isolated by yellow -orange margins. They give
out a dull salmon conloured ooze from the centre when humidity is very high.
a. Use healthy seed., b. Avoid excess
watering; c. Give wider spacing; d. Use hot water treated seed ; e. Spray
fungicides like Dithane M -45 or Dithane Z- 78 at the rate of 2 kg in l000
litres of water per hectare.
3. Powdery mildew
This disease is caused by Oidium ~pp.
White powdery growth occurs on leaves, spreading to cover the stem and other
plant parts. In severe cases, the entire plant dries up.
I. Control
a. Dustig with sulphur powder
b. Spraing with systemic fungicides
Benlate or Bavistin and Calixin gives effective control of powdery mildew.
c. Sowing healthy seed after treating
with Thiram.
d. Follow a crop rotation to reduce the
soil- borne innoculum of the fungus.
4. Bacterial blight
This disease is caused by Xanthomonas
cyamophagus. The disease is characterized by irregular, sunken, red to
brown leaf spots surrounded by a narrow yellowish halo. Several spots coalesce
to from irregular patches. The spots may also develop on pods.
a. Grow resistant varieties like HC-75,
HFC-119, etc.
b. Treat the seed with thiram at the
rate of 3 gm/kg seed. Also adopt hot water treatment at 560 C for 10 minutes.
c. Eradicate affected plants and burn
5. Leaf spot
This disease is caused by Myrothecium
roridum. Dark brown round spots appear on leaf. In case of severe
infection. Several spots merge together and leaflets become chlorotic and
usually drop off. If plants are infected in the early stages of growth, there
may not be any flowering.
Spray with Dithane Z- 78,0.2% at the
interval of 15 days, twice or thrice.
XIII. Pest Control
Guar is a rainy season crop. Therefore,
a number of insect pests feed and grow on its leaves and pods. Some important
ones are described here.
1. Hairy caterpillars
Ascotis imparata and Spilosoma obliqua,
Amsacta lactinae and Euproctis scintilans are the insects that cause
heavy damage. The adult lays eggs in clusters over the surface of the leaves.
The larvae cause characteristic skeletonisation of leaves during the early
gregarious stage and later they completely defoliate the plant. The pest can
easily be controlled by systematic collection of larvae during the early
gregarious stage or spraying with Endosulfan @ 0.07 percent.
2. Jassid
Empoasca fabae, Empoasca Kraemeri and Amrascakerri
are serious pest of the crop. The nymph are wingless and found in abundance
on the lower surface of the leaves. The nymph and adult pierce the plant
tissues and suck the cell sap. Leaves become yellow at the margin. They can be
controlled by: (i) soil application of systemic granular insecticides such as
Aldicarb 10 G at the rate of 10 -15 kg per hectare. (ii) spray of Endosulphan
35 EC at the rate of 2litres in 1000 litres of water, or (iii) dusting of BHC
10% dust at the rate of 20 -25 kg per hectare.
XIV. Harvesting and Yield
The pods of the guar become ready for
plucking, depending upon the variety, from 40 days onwards after sowing.
Picking is done at an interval of 10 –12 days. When crop is grown for fodder,
the plants are cut when they are in flowering stage or when the pods are
beginning to emerge. This stage comes 50 to 80 days after sowing. For green
manuring the crop can be ploughed down as soon as the pods begin to develop.
The yield of the green material crop is about 120 quintals per hectare. When
crop is grown for seeds, it is left until the pods are mature, then harvested
with the help of sickles and dried and threshed.
A good crop under favourable climatic
conditions yields about 300 quintals of green fodder or 15 quintals of dry
seeds or 60 quintals of green pods per hectare.
XV. Uses and Importance
Guar plant as whole is useful, nothing
goes waste. Its green pods are used as vegetables when cut into bits and cooked
mixed with potato, they form delicious dish. Also pods are salted and dried to
eat after frying. Its green and dry plants are fed to cattle. In fact, It is
the only dependable kharif legume fodder in North Indian dry climatic conditions. Guar fodder
mixed with maize or bajra or sorghum fodder improves the nutritive value of the
fodders. It is also grown mixed with grasses on the pasture lands. Meals from
processed guar seed are used for cattle.
On sloppy lands its thick, branched,
erect crop covers the soil below and saves it from soil erosion. And in very
poor sandy soils or extensively exhausted soils, guar crop is used as green
manure crop to improve the fertility and physical properties.
Guar seed is an important source of gum
and industrial raw material. It has been estimated that on the whole-seed
basis, guar seed contains about 30.7% gum. This gum is used in paper industry,
in explosives, in mining and in various food products such as ice. cream,
cheese, salad dressings, and fruit drinks.
I wish for the great of success in all of our destiny endeavors