Guar seed prices are increasing in peak arrival period.

This is arrival period of Guar seed in guar growing belt. Generally, with the starting of October month, price of guar seed start to fall due to peak arrival period. But this year price movement is totally in different trend. As per market man actual guar seed production seems to below the estimated guar seed production during cropping period. First arrival of Guar seed production from irrigated guar growing belt is of very poor quality. Generally, Haryana side guar is considered as good quality guar seed. As pictures of Guar seed shared by some traders from Haryana it can be observed that quality of guar seed arrival in market is very poor. It is totally black in colour. Even after poor quality traders are buying the black guar with regular guar seed prices.

Prices of Guar seed are under pressure since last three - four years. With opening of guar seed prices around 4300-4500/Kg for the current harvest season, is good start. Even if prices of guar seed remain same at current level of 4500/Kg during whole arrival season then it will give boost to the prices of guar seed during whole year. With current guar seed prices, prices will touch to 6000 level during current production cycle. Other major kharif commodities are covered under the MSP. Guar don’t have any boost of MSP. It is demand driven commodity. Production factor has almost completed for guar seed will not change for next 9 Months. Now the complete guar seed prices movement will be only on demand basis. 

Guar seed prices are increasing in peak arrival period. , Guar, guar gum, Guar gum price, Guar gum export,  guar gum news, NCDEX guar gum price, Guar gum report, guar seed production, guar gum consultant, guar seed export, guar gum export from india 2017-2018 , guar, guar gum, guar gum news, Guar gum export-2017-2018, Guar gum export-from India during 2017-2018, Guar gum export data -2017-2018, Guar gum rate , NCDEX guar gum price,  guar gum export-2017, guar gum export-2018, guar gum demand-2017, guar gum demand-2018, guar gum production, guar gum cultivation, guar gum cultivation consultancy, Guar, guar gum, guar price, guar gum price, guar demand, guar gum demand guar seed production, guar seed stock, guar seed consumption, guar gum cultivation, guar gum cultivation in india, Guar gum farming, guar gum export from india, Fundamentally Guar seed and guar gum are very strong , Guar, guar gum, guar price, guar gum price, guar demand, guar gum demand, guar seed production, guar seed stock, guar seed consumption, guar gum cultivation, guar gum cultivation in india, Guar gum farming, guar gum export from india , guar seed export, guar gum export, guar gum farming, guar gum cultivation consultancy, today guar price, today guar gum price, ग्वार, ग्वार गम, ग्वार मांग, ग्वार गम निर्यात 2018-2019, ग्वार गम निर्यात -2019, ग्वार उत्पादन, ग्वार कीमत, ग्वार गम मांग, Guar Gum

Guar is an industrial commodity which is used in many industries, Major part of guar is used in oil and natural gas industry. During last week oil prices were on boil. There were many geopolitics blame game that USA wanted Saudi Arabia to control the oil prices by increasing the oil production. Saudi Arabia refused to do so. After that USA oil companies increased the production and prices of crude oil has little bit come down. There is possibilities that fracking activities will increase in USA, with upward crude oil price movement. 

Guar seed and Guar gum commodities are being quoted at higher prices in local guar trading agriculture market . Prices of Guar seed and Guar gum both are quoted high. Future trading of Guar seed and Guar gum are strong due to tight arrival and agressive buying. Good quality of guar seed is traded at Rs 4500/100Kg and average quality guar seed is traded at Rs 4200/100 Kg. Standard quality guar gum is traded at Rs 9500/100 kg. In interior location, guar seed is traded up to 4100/100 Kg. Guar seed is being traded strong in the future market. At NCDEX (National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Ltd) guar seed-10MT closed at Rs 4543, 4608, 4672 higher by 3.2 percent or INR 141/100 Kg, 2.89 percent or INR 129.5/100, 2.68 percent or INR 122/100 Kg with open interest of 103480, 22870, 150 for November, December and January month contracts. 

Guar gum is also being traded strong in the future market. At NCDEX (National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Ltd) Guar gum- 5MT is being closed at Rs 9800, 9920 higher by 3.09 percent or Rs 294/100Kg, 2.96 percent or Rs 285/100 with an open interest of 60365, 9390 for November and December month contracts.

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