Guar gum seed cultivation and guar gum processing consultancy

Guar is an arid legume crop grown in western part of India. Botanically Guar is known as Cyamopsis tetragonoloba. The western part of India is the Thar Desert and rainfall in this area is also very low. Guar crop is grown here for centuries. Guar seed is processed into Guar gum powder, which is used in many industries. In Portuguese guar gum is known as "Goma De Guar" in Spanish it is known as "Goma de Guar". In German it is known as "Guarkernmehl". In French, it is Known as " La gommede guar ". In Russian it is known as "Гуаровая камедь". In greek it is known as " κόμμιγκουάρ ". In Swedish it is known as " Guargummi ". In Chinese It is known as "瓜爾豆膠 " In Italian it is known as "Gomma di Guar". In polish it is known as "Guma guar".

Guar is an annual legume crop. Guar is cultivated in low water condition. Guar requires well drainage sandy soils for good root development and proper aeration. Guar is a nitrogen fixation crop , it converts environmental nitrogen in available form. It is used as green manure. Green pods of Guar is used as green vegetable purpose like other beans. Guar plant is good a green and dry fodder for cattle and other animals.s. Cooked Guar seed is used as concentrated feed for milking cattle's. By-product of guar seed processing is known as Guar mealGuar korma or Guar Churi. There is 50-56% protein in Guar Korma.

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Guar gum seed is an industrial crop. Guar seed is processed into guar gum split and guar gum splits are further processed into Guar gum powderGuar gum powder is used in various industries. Guar gum has various food applications. Guar gum is used as a viscosity agent. Guar gum is also used as a stabilizer agent. Guar gum is widely used in sauces, ketchup, juices, ice cream, biscuits, Gluten-free cooking and many more. Guar gum is used in the printing industry as moisture retention in Ink. Guar gum is used in paper industry. Guar gum is used in the textile industry.

Guar gum is also used in cosmetic items, shampoo, moisturizers, liquid shop, lipsticks and many more. Guar gum is also used in the pharmaceuticals industry as the binding agent, viscosity agent. Guar gum is also used as dietary fibers. Guar gum used in fish and meat industry. The major application of guar gum is in oil and natural gas industry. Guar gum is used as drilling chemical in Oil and Natural Gas Industry. Around 60 % demand of Guar gum arises from oil and Natural Gas Industry.

Guar gum seed cultivation  and guar gum processing consultancy, Guar gum seed cultivation consultancy, guar gum processing consultancy, Guar, guar gum, guar gum and slick water, Guar gum price, Guar gum export,  guar gum news, NCDEX guar gum price, Guar gum report, guar seed production, guar gum consultant, guar seed export, guar gum export from india 2017-2018 , guar, guar gum, guar gum news, Guar gum export-2017-2018, Guar gum export-from India during 2017-2018, Guar gum export data -2017-2018, Guar gum rate , NCDEX guar gum price,  guar gum export-2017, guar gum export-2018, guar gum demand-2017, guar gum demand-2018, guar gum production, guar gum cultivation, guar gum cultivation consultancy, Guar, guar gum, guar price, guar gum price, guar demand, guar gum demand guar seed production, guar seed stock, guar seed consumption, guar gum cultivation, guar gum cultivation in india, Guar gum farming, guar gum export from india, Fundamentally Guar seed and guar gum are very strong , Guar, guar gum, guar price, guar gum price, guar demand, guar gum demand, guar seed production, guar seed stock, guar seed consumption, guar gum cultivation, guar gum cultivation in india, Guar gum farming, guar gum export from india , guar seed export, guar gum export, guar gum farming, guar gum cultivation consultancy, today guar price, today guar gum price, ग्वार, ग्वार गम, ग्वार मांग, ग्वार गम निर्यात 2017-2018, ग्वार गम निर्यात -2018, ग्वार उत्पादन, ग्वार कीमत, ग्वार गम मांग

Guar gum is very good agriculture crop. Guar gum is beneficial at every stage, the green stage is used as green manure, Green pods of Guar gum are is used as the vegetable, Guar gum Seeds are used as cattle concentrate. We provide the complete solution for Guar gum and Guar gum seed cultivation and guar gum seed processing, with complete market intelligence and product information. We have provided our services in many countries.

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