Guar gum export has reached to 4,49,709 MT, from April-2017 to February-2018

APEDA has released the export data of Gar gum up to February-2018. As per export data released by APEDA, the value of export of Guar gum has increased by 45.5 %. As per new data during last budget year, export of Guar gum from April-2017 to February-2018 was 4,49,709 MT. 

During last year for the same period from April- 2016 to the February- 2017 export of Guar gum was 3,61,833 MT only. There is an increase of 87,873 MT or 24.28 % in quantity of Guar gum products for the same period from April-2016 - to February-2017. Last year from April-2016 to February-2017, India exported Guar gum, values of INR 2666,00,00,000 (2666 crore) or 396 Million USD, for the same period during this year from April-2017 to February-2018 India exported Guar gum value of INR 3713,00,00,000 (3713 Crore) or 577 Million USD. Last year from April-2016 to the February-2017-unit value of Guar gum export was 1096 USD/MT this year for the same period from April-2017 to the February-2018-unit value of Guar gum export is 1282 USD/MT. In Indian rupees, there is an increase of 39.3% INR and in USD it is an increase of 45.5% in value of export of guar gum.

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Only in the January-2018 month, there was an export of 44,080 MT of Guar gum. Export of Guar gum is increasing slowly and slowly. Crude prices are increasing regularly. The demand for Guar gum will increase with increasing crude oil price. Crude oil production will increase in the USA through the hydraulic fracking process. 

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