Guar seed and Guar Gum market is in buying mood

Market has come in buying mode. Prices are moving very fast in the forward market. Physical market is in selling position. More and more commodity is coming in market above 3500 level in fear of fresh arrival of crop after two months. All the stack holders in industry are denying the govt data of Guar cultivation. This weak is very critical for the growth of crop and growth of guar rates. If there will be no rainfall then crop will damage in large geographical area and production estimate will drop down to 40% of current estimates.

Guar is very sensitive commodity with respect to demand and supply. Due to long self-life of seeds and longer storage capacity farmers choose to sell guar as last option. This year Pulses will come in market first then Guar will come in market. In irrigated area, most of farmers sell the gaur to traders against the advance, which have given by traders on credit during cropping period. As per crop cycle this is not a demand period. Demand will start after December and January. The peak arrival period will start after 15 Days. Market will run after the December.

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